Inspiration point (IP)

You can invite two fictional characters, from any book, film, poem or other confabulation, to dinner. Or to the pub.  Imagine the conversation they - and you - would have. And the consequence would be...? Hope you have fun with it! 


Inspiration point

Their Inspiration Points

The doors opened with a familiar creak. A wizened mop of curly white hair poked out to assess their situation. Confusion. They took in their...
Gold cherry

Jacques and Basil

Scene: The Lobby of Fawlty Towers [The front door creaks open. Inspector Clouseau enters, disguised as a flamboyant millionaire. He is draped in a...

Miss M in Dock Green

‘Evening, all’, said George, ‘Today, I met a lady who …

His beginning, her beginning:

Two little cells with half the code from him and her combining – a new unique live human has begun, ready to grow, develop, age! A *five week...
