Inspiration point (IP)

For this week's Inspiration Point I give you 'the end of summer' - sad for some, exciting for others as they look forward to a new start, or the beginning of autumn. Good luck with it, and don't forget to post your results here!

Inspiration point


Death where is your sting?

I am too late. Much too late. That is what rustles through my mind as I read the message. I stand with my mobile phone in my hand in the living room...

Saint Turmeric.

We have six cats. Just like people they are all different. Their names are:- Nanny, the oldest and the boss, she is not allowed now outside, yes, she...
Gold cherry

Benches & Hedges

If you turn off your mind, relax and float downstream you might just find there’s a lot more than botany to discover in a garden, especially in Leeds.

The Letter.

A friend, she has no internet, no smartphone, no laptop, no passwords, has never bought anything on-line, does not drive. So, there is no...

Give Him A Medal.

A few years ago, my son wanted to be a security guard. I begged him not to do it, as it can be very dangerous. Thankfully I was able to talk him out...
