Inspiration point (IP)

For this week's Inspiration Point I give you 'the end of summer' - sad for some, exciting for others as they look forward to a new start, or the beginning of autumn. Good luck with it, and don't forget to post your results here!

Inspiration point


Four of Plenty

Cricket on Shanklin's shore bowling onto rippled sand while the water is out. Grandad surprises Dad with a slow leg spin. Dad’s eye for the ball must...

Red Fruit.

Every six weeks, it is my turn for me and the other two with me to do the refreshments at Church. I love doing it. I get there an hour early, the...


Food that we eat when we are young, sometimes stays with us for the rest of our lives. I wanted my kids to love Marmite, when I had them. Even before...
Gold cherry

Little house in a big town

“I fear that from this moment on, you will hate me forever. But I have decided to be very frank.” The old man leans his small head against the...


Grace Horsley Darling (24 November 1815 – 20 October 1842) was an English lighthouse keeper's daughter. Her participation in the rescue of survivors...
