Inspiration point (IP)

For this week's Inspiration Point I give you 'the end of summer' - sad for some, exciting for others as they look forward to a new start, or the beginning of autumn. Good luck with it, and don't forget to post your results here!

Inspiration point

Not to everyone’s taste!

“Just a spoonful of sugar halps the medicine go down … in a most delighful way” ‘I want to feel well but not with that awful strawberry-pink taste...
Pick of the Month

The things we do for love

“So, if I hear one more time that you have comments on Alexia's piano playing, I will be on your doorstep again. Do you understand? But then it will...

The Creator.

Driving in my car today, I saw the usual spiders web in front of my wing mirrors. They are there most of the time, through rain and snow. Sometimes,...

Malta. Part Nine.

I had an image of what I thought Malta was like, before I went. If I was to describe Malta now that I have been, I would describe it as. Quater...
