Inspiration point (IP)

For this week's Inspiration Point I'm giving you one word: food. I look forward to seeing what you manage to cook up with that smiley

Inspiration point


Chemistry Lingers

Watch out now. I'm about to get all English teachery. The subject is chemistry and the chemistry is from Shakespeare. Yeah, let's talk about Romeo...

The day echoes like laughter

And one day it finally happens. Although I had postponed the plan for so long and so many times. Every morning when I got up and had in mind to...

An Unforgiving Blizzard

We had been preparing for weeks, for months, for years. We were woefully unprepared in every way We didn't expect a blizzard on March 8. We had no...

Feeling to find it

Off to a night-time bathroom visit she goes, touching the bed rail, the door handle … climbing back under the duvet … now where’s that bottle to warm...
