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A Stitch In Time Saves Nine.

Yesterday I had got up early and seen to the cats and the dogs, did the dish washer, swept and mopped the floors, changed all the cat litters, wrote...

Yard Sale Chapter 2

A tale of woe, deceit, heartbreak and love

Chasing Rainbows by Alfred N.Muggins

19/3/24 (25/3/24) Alfred Muggins saw a rainbow in the sky after a brief shower, after walking the dog in perfect sunlight for a while in a nearby...

The Miracle.

Many years ago, I worked with a woman who was wheelchair bound. I would help her onto the loo on my own, no hoist, I would also help her into a...


I remember when I was 60, a friend told me, "Ring up and ask for your free bus pass," I rang up and was told, "It used to be 60, now it has gone up...


The cliff house crumbles; its ghosts drift slower.


Woke up to some sad news today, and although I was at work, the thought of the news was in the front and back of my mind all day. Her name came up on...


We have all seen those bike lanes, all of 10 yards long! Council spelling mistakes painted on the road! The important lock at work had broke. I was...

Another Way.

In the town where I live, people have become very creative. Some people just sit outside shops and beg, it has been done that way for years. Some...

A Great Idea.

I have no problem drinking tap water, we are very fortunate in England to have excellent clean drinking water. I thought I had a brainwave, I asked...