

Being Very Good at Pointless Things

Oh! Spectacular acts of Herculean will. Unknown heroes going for the ritual kill. It'll be many weeks before we've had our fill. Medals galore and...


My friend, his lovely Mum is dying, the Doctor has told him, “She has about three weeks to live.” He and his wife, they have paid in full for their...


A friend she has three cats. They are indoor cats, so they never go outside. Her beloved elderly cat, became very sick and had to be put down. She...

Et Tu, My most loyal friends

“Et Tu, my most loyal friends?” On Sunday the 21 st of July, 2024, President Joseph R. Biden dropped out of the race for President, having been...

The Mighty!

A friend bought an expensive ticket. Something serious happened and the friend was unable to go. I was asked, “Can you contact the Ticket Company and...


Like everyone in the United Kingdom, I was gutted when we lost to Spain in the football. I really wanted us to win. Some of the other matches leading...

Traditions, Pure And Simple.

Was thinking some more about the Hostages, I thought of those family members and very close friends of theirs, who have had babies and those whose...

The Hostages.

Both of my next-door neighbours have, Free Palestine on their front doors. On and off, I have thought of the Hostages, and today, they were in my...