

Testimony is not a word you hear often now in every day life. When I was growing up, it was a word we all knew and understood what it meant, from an...

Trump’s Inauguration Hot Air Balloon! By Alfred N.Muggins

20/1/25 Alfred should be reading or studying the details of Trump’s inauguration speech! But he had missed much of it. Apparently America is going to...

On The Busses.

This is my favourite time of the year. Correction, hot dry Summers is my favourite time of year. This also is my favourite time of year. Most people...


Our tv remote broke! With Paul with me, I rang my broadband provider, my mobile was on speaker, so Paul could hear too. First the machine asked me...

The Great Pretender! By Alfred N Muggins

14/11/24 / 25/11/24 And in these late times, it came to pass that the Great Pretender received much support from Churches across America. They...

What Is The Price Of Life? Part Three.

On my way to Mums, the taxi driver told me, “When we broke down in London, we didn’t have breakdown cover, we had to wait hours, when the Patrol...

What Is The Price Of Life? Part Two.

It was good to be going home. There is a fantastic new series on the telly called, “Face Your Phobia.” I had watched it last week, it sadly didn’t...

What Is The Price Of Life? Part One.

Today I started of feeling sad, I was a bit sad yesterday too. I was SO pleased with my fabulous new car. I wrote about it in, “Before they call, I...

21st Century Saviour : Prime Minister Alfred Muggins!

21/7/24 (1/8/24) Alfred becomes Prime Minister in the Modern Age, winning contests within the Labour Party and becoming their leader. He had already...

Attention To Detail.

Yesterday, I was with someone for a few hours. She took out £100 pounds from the bank, then she wanted to go to a coffee shop. She chose a hot...