Private Hice Storys
this poem is an example of my writting
Sacrificial Lamb
By: Charles Hice

The Father Abraham was in the desert near the place where GOD was at
when there came a sound like thunder from the infinite place where GOD is at.
“Take the boy and bind him up and tie him to MY altar and take thy sword in thy
right hand and offer him a living sacrifice to me for eye am GOD.”
This was the boy named Isacc in the wood of all the desert places where the voices of the
GOD was heard from up above.
And Abraham was never certain but he understood that GOD must be obeyed,
and though it hurt him HE stood there with arm upraised and Brought UP the
ARM with all his might to strike the child where he was bound where he did lay
upon the altar of the GOD. But just before the deed was done and just when all his hope had gone and just before the SWORD did plummet into Isacc and the deed would be recorded there was an ANGEL in the SUN.
STOP, look there in the wood in that bush where LAMB is caught.
There is the sacrifice for you to TAKE to me Today,
Let loose the BOY and take the LAMB and SLAY.
This is the SACRIFICE of GOD.
Because you ABRAHAM have not withheld thy SON from me,
The Lambe will come the Virgin Birth and take all the peoples sins away.
This Poem may startle some of ewe but the sentiment and deeds is true,
if not the words please just remember that this is not scripture.
The Christ is Jesus and he BECAME the living Sacrifice,
And Isacc is my father in my Spirit and the Way for Gentiles to be won.
And there is still the ANGEL in the SUN to point the way.
Say Jesus and be done.