Read A New Author Month

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Read A New Author Month

Hi, I'm trying to see if there would be any interest in a project I'm hoping to put together. The idea is to help first time published authors of fiction (novels or short stories) get some attention from the reading public, by giving them a special month. My own motivation for this comes from the fact that my own first novel comes out in April, though I hope that the event will take off and become a regular part of the literary calendar. There will be the inevitable website, which will provide information on books and publishers. I will soon be approaching all the major UK publishers to see if they are willing to take part, though the success of the event will depend on the involvement of readers. The website will include a bulletin board where people can post recommendations or reviews. Just wondered if anyone would be interested in taking part? There's a little bit of information at - though as yet that is just a holding page. The proper website will come soon. You can also find out more on my blog - - if you're interested.

Thanks, Roger.

Sounds like a great idea. Well done and good luck with the book.
Thanks Lou!
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