Words that look like what they describe

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Words that look like what they describe

Ok..maybe I'm going off on one here..

Does anyone else think that some words look like the very thing they describe?

To me, the word fierce, actually looks fierce.

Anyone else?

Anonymous's picture
somehow the word 'lunatic' springs to mind ... he he ... 'spring' works doesn't it?
myrtle ostrich
Anonymous's picture
poodle would look more like a poodle if it was spelt poople ...
spurtle dodo
Anonymous's picture
then doodle would look like a dead poodle...
Anonymous's picture
please ... poople does not look more like a poodle and also the poodle is getting rather upset at the number of death threats and allusions to dead poodles ... currently quivering beneath my desk and refusing to produce any poetry ...
Anonymous's picture
i think the word poodle looks like a poodle
Anonymous's picture
Are you talking about onomatopoeia, Liana? 'Fierce' certainly sounds fierce, as do millions of others: splash, plop, drip, dribble, drool, sparkle ad infinitum....love it!
Anonymous's picture
plop .... oooooooh yes ... there IS a word ...
Anonymous's picture
onomatopoeia is to do with the sound, more than the look isnt it? I love the word sparkle though :o) Another example of the way that a word looks like it is, is "snarl" To me, it looks snarly....nasty. But, smile..the word...it couldnt mean anything bad, it just looks...smiley. I sound like a loony..l'll stop now :o)
Anonymous's picture
O is, indeed, to do with sounds more than the look, yes. To be honest, I never 'looked' at the way a word 'looked' before, but I promise to do so in future, 'cos it's an interesting concept, and obviously something I've missed. 'Sparkle' (come to think of it), really does look like 'sparkle', dunnit?
Anonymous's picture
Yeah!! *grinning* It really does!!
Anonymous's picture
splash looks like splash too
Anonymous's picture
Not to mention 'plop'!
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Oh, I really wish I could think of one. Splash is brilliant, perhaps because the Sp and the Sh seem to be the spray coming from a wellington landing in a puddle. Sparkle is spot on as well. Crackle ?
Anonymous's picture
crackle's good ... and what about slippery????
Taj Hayer
Anonymous's picture
Here's my word: b o o m e r a n g
IFB's mother
Anonymous's picture
i am afraid i have just mercifully prevented ivory from adding the word "shagger" to this thread ... i hope you will all applaud me regards ivory's mother
Anonymous's picture
"bum" Especially the 'm', if you look at it upside down...
Stephen Gardiner
Anonymous's picture
BooB works for me on several levels
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
stormy petrel
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Ahem, delicate question Ivory, but the poetry poodle - when it generates its poetry, is it... how to put this ? Is poetry out from Biscuits-In or Biscuits-Out ?
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
sensuous fizz giggle bouncy
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
... don't think i don't know what you are up to mr.! ... this poodle persecution is entirely founded upon your inability to deal with the untimely (and well deserved) end of your alleged macaw! jealousy gets you nowhere you know!
Anonymous's picture
i have been priveliged enough to see one of poetrypoodle's collection and while i am not an expert in such matters i would say it is certainly not from biscuits-out having said that, i am not privy to the beast's dietary habits and suspect that it feeds on more exotic fare. cocktails have been mentioned, too
stormy petrel
Anonymous's picture
El poop looks ... well .... ...it just .... looks .... feels ivy's eyes in the back of head........ delightfully snappy! I know a man that specialises in stealing pooples. Fur trimmed, a quick respray, new doggy passport and off to Korea before you can say ....well...... poop I suppose. Anyone for lunch?
Anonymous's picture
the word poodle looks nothing like a poodle, does it? even taking scale into account. not sure about a weather poodle tho, cos i don't know what one of those looks like
stromy preterl
Anonymous's picture
IFB seems to have some kind of fixation with poodles doesn't she? eeeelasssstic
mark yelland-brown
Anonymous's picture
clench,clutch. buttock syringe thin, fat,wide, splice. nice!
Anonymous's picture
poodle DOES look like a poodle
Myrtle Ostrich
Anonymous's picture
No one has mentioned other creatures. I think it is unfair that pooples get all the attention. I would hardly stoop to stealing a poople myself. Who needs fur when you can have feathers? Um... the word that most resembles "Ostrich" is "long".
Anonymous's picture
well i've never got the 2 muddled up
Anonymous's picture
and the word elfin looks a bit like an elephant, oddly enough
Anonymous's picture
the trouble with you robert ... is you have no IMAGINATION!!!
john hurt
Anonymous's picture
no it doesn't
Anonymous's picture
err...elfin = a trunk + 4 legs? nah, you're right damn
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
I like the word pirate It looks like a pirate ship. The "t" is the main sail, and the "i" reminds me of the littly guy up in the Crow's Nest. The "p" looks just like pirate's patch. Come to think of it, it looks nothing like a pirate ship, does it? How about "Bonus"? It's a nothing kind of word. Like it should be more. A disappointing sort of word. "Thigh", while not looking like the thing it describes (the "G" is too hard), certainly sounds like it. A very smooth-sounding word.
Anonymous's picture
Almost like "sigh" You can elongate (theres another one) sigh for effect "sighhhhhh"
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
Karl, your 'thigh' choice reminded me - cellulite (it looks bumpy and nasty!)
Anonymous's picture
Groaaannn, moaaannn, whiinngge, whiiinnne
Taj Hayer
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
Smooooooooch.... Pout looks a bit sulky too. Do we need an over 18's only forum? L
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
We might do, Liana, because I think "vulva" looks a bit like the thing it describes. It's got creases and folds and hidden depths that promise of mysterious soggy places. Perhaps I shouldn't have written that. Change of subject. Here's a word that looks nothing like the thing it describes - "church". There. Now nobody could say that "church" looks like a church, could they?
Anonymous's picture
Re: Vulva - hrmmmm Re church -Yes it does!!! Its got a steeple, almost at the front - the h, followed by a long thin low bit - urc, and then finally, another tower at the back - h church see?
Anonymous's picture
Sir, Without wishing to repeat myself from that 'other' thread, I must warn you that you push things too far. What's wrong with 'penis' for heavens sake. This should stop now before it becomes a cult. (above extract from The Grauniad) Yours, with a smell of cinnamon J.T.
Anonymous's picture
Gawd....its all too much for me. I'm off now, to bed. Theres another one, " bed " Look, a headboard, a footboard, and a nice bouncy bit in the middle.
Anonymous's picture
actually i think the word elfin DOES look like an elephant ... tho obviously not as much as the word poodle looks like a poodle ...
Anonymous's picture
Poodle reminds me of a pooh in a puddle!


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