Natasha Kampusch.

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Natasha Kampusch.

I'm amazed that no one has newly topic'd this amazing story. And while I'm in logodaedalist mode: I don't want to appear glib or flippant which might be contracted as glibbant; but has no one thought 'my; if Nicole Kidman had a younger sister, she'd look just like her.' Jocosity aside: how the fuck does she appear so normal? 8 years cooped up in a coop and she wants to become a psychologist and an actor. What makes someone who's suffered the deprivations she's suffered and seems to be OK, (but lets wait on that) and someone who hasn't had proper potty training goes out and kills people? 'Aye; there's nowt so queer as folk.'

I suspect that there is much more to this story than we are ever going to find out.
She might seem to be ok, but it cant fail to have messed with her head, big style. I wonder if the media will continue to be interested, or if it will get dropped like the recent 'piano man' story. Did we ever find out what was happening there?
Yes, I think we did. Can't actually remember what it was all about now (too much Pinot Grigio) would google if I weren't so engrossed in Supernanny. what a disappointingly unromantic end to that tale! It was at the Medway Maritime Hospital that he drew a picture of a grand piano and then apparently "stunned" health and social workers with his performance at the keyboard...However, newspaper reports now suggest he was only able to play one note continuously. Tsk... you cant believe what you read in the papers can you...
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