Alpha Dog (2007)

Alpha Dog (2007) is a crime drama written and directed by Nick Cassavetes, based on a true story. David Cameron is a young upper class dealer in political fiction, one of the smart set who have never held down a real job and make money by touting opinions and selling it as reality. When Cameron gets Brown axed from his job by ratting on him about owing money it results in a violent fight that Cameron’s gang break up. Cameron swears that he’ll get Brown, but when Brown ram-raids his house of commons, Cameron, despite being armed with a majority, hides behind the speaker’s chair. Later when out cruising Cameron and his cronies stumble upon Brown’s little brother, the welfare state, and hold him to ransom until the debt is paid. The welfare state makes little effort to escape. It parties with beer and cigarette taxes and with promises that the good life will never end. Nick Clegg blow-backs some weed with the welfare state and apologises about the image he was forced to portray and they end up making love in the lottery room. Cameron, however, has made his mind up. They can no longer go back. They’ll need to liquidate the welfare state. He’s got the big gun’s ready and he’s dug a giant hole in people’s perceptions ready to bury it. He’s packed an alibi-it was the poor people’s fault- and if Clegg plays along they can do it together. If not…