Gabriel Gatehouse (2024) The Coming Storm. A Journey into the Heart of the Conspiracy Machine.

I tell lies every day. I call it writing fiction. I followed with interest a great country drowning under the weight of its own stupidity.

"Dulce et decorum est pro patria mentiri."

 "It is sweet and fitting to lie for one's country."


Biblical Origin:

The term originates from the Book of Judges 12:5–6 in the Hebrew Bible. The Gileadites used the word "shibboleth" (meaning "stream" or "ear of grain") as a linguistic test to identify fleeing Ephraimites, who pronounced it differently due to dialectical differences. Those who failed the test were executed.

In the second world war, American soldiers used the pronunciation of Lollapalooza to identify Japanese soldiers attempting to infiltrate their lines.

In Making America Great Again, (MAGA) Carl Sagan reminds us in The Demon Haunted World, ‘On the Distinction between True and False Visions’, President Reagan got lost in more of the latter than the former. He told a spellbound audience how he’d help liberate a Nazi concentration camp—almost single handily, but modestly, of course, for a Hollywood B-actor who’d spent the war working in movies in California. Sagan reminds the reader, he’d been there too, aged nine. Not in the concentration camps, but at his local cinema watching A Wing and a Prayer (Reagan wasn’t in that film, but the plot was imprinted on his vision of reality).

A modern shibboleth is The Great Steal. Those who swear by the belief that the 45th and the 47th American President had the 2020 election stolen from him by President Joe Biden. Judging by the recent election result that suggests the majority of Americans are unmoored from the need for reality or factual evidence.

Gabriel Gatehouse offers some figures from polls taken at the end of 2023 that point the finger away from Trump—for many their saviour offering A Wing and A Prayer—and towards shadowy figures that control the world when no one is looking.

41% believed that a secret cabal controlled events and ruled the world together, no matter who was officially in charge.

29% believed that voting machines had been programmed to rig the 2020 election.

29% believed many top Democrats were involved in child-sex-trafficking ring.

25% believed many top Republican were involved in child-sex-trafficking rings.

Another shibboleth was Covid vaccines (bioweapons) killed millions and made billions for big pharma.

Robert F Kennedy Jnr is a Covid and vaccine sceptic appointed to dismantle the already threadbare public-health sector.

If you believe any or all of this then you are well on your way to becoming a conspiracy theorist. Much of this was familiar. Sagan quotes from Edward Gibbons The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

‘Credulity perfomed the office of faith; fanaticism was permitted to assume the language of inspiration, and the effects of accidents or contrivance were ascribed to supernatural causes.’

Nothing good can come from Trump. Trump the draft dodger. Trump the rapist. Trump the liar and thief. Trump the insurrectionist. All those things are past.

Gatehouse digging deep into the hidden world of 4-chan and 8-chan and child porn and all that stuff that leaves you feeling kind of icky did not surprise me. Hilary Clinton eating babies. Who believes that?

Yet, Hilary Clinton placing a $1000 investment that rolls over into a $100 000 win, which wasn’t insider knowledge, just luck. Who believes that?

Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. Yeh, we know about that, or think we do.

What Gabriel Gatehouse makes clear is Bill Clinton was a serial rapist. More so it seems than the moron’s moron Trump.

Hilary Clinton’s Charitable Foundation, well, charity begins at home. Corrupt.

Bill Clinton was, of course, young and brilliant. Donald Trump is old and inept. Both denied being friend of Jeffrey Epstein who conveniently hung himself.

Step back. Step back from The Demon Haunted World. Sagan quotes the Roman historian Polybius in ‘The Fine Art of Baloney Detection’.

‘Since the masses of the people are inconstant, full of unruly desires, passionate and reckless of consequences, they must be filled with fear to keep them in order.’

Trump offers fear and hate. He offers simple solutions. Palliatives  and bloodletting. I’m fearful of the consequences. And if you’ve been paying attention, so should you. Then again, in a Demon Haunted World, anything is possible, including The Coming Storm, not in hyperspace but bleeding into the real world as it already has. Apocalypse now, not as a visionary quest for a billionaire, but a reality for the rest of us in a denuded planet. Read on.

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