My Dog Tulip BBC 4

My Dog Tulip BBC4 by J.R. Ackerly, screenplay by Paul Ferlinger. This is an autobiography of a man and his dog, or a dog and his man. It’s a love story. They love each other. J.R. Ackerly is a fusty middle aged man who lives alone. His life is transformed when Tulip arrives. It’s his dog and no other. When his sister tries to woo Tulip with doggy snacks and tricks it doesn’t work. No vet can treat Tulip because he is so love sick he won’t allow anyone to approach J.R. Ackerly. Other dogs hold no great attraction for Tulip, but when she is on heat she holds a great attraction to them. Mating is a funny old business and that is exactly how J.R. Ackerly tries to run Tulip’s affairs. But alas it is the mongrel blood that finds its way. Eight little whelps. J.R. Ackerly threatens betrayal, threatens to drown the poor pups, but loses heart and has to give them away to whoever would have them, to scatter them to the wind. Tulip lived for a good number of doggy years. What J.R. Ackerly’s life would have been like without her no one knows.