Story and Poem of the Month

Our Story and Poem for the month of January, very kindly chosen by RJNewlyn:

Pick of the month January 2024


I suspect most of us find January a hard month for inspiration, so well done to everyone who’s bucked the trend. 


For prose, strong commendations to hudsonmoon (,

josiedog (

and Terrence Oblong (

And one of the things the world particularly needs at the moment is an affectionate Iranian travelogue, so do have a look at Turlough’s posts (e.g.,

But what I personally find I want from January is a laugh-out-loud, surreal, slice of life, so Pick of the Month goes to celticman for Uncle John’s Popemobile( – all entirely true, so we’re told (if only).


For poetry, there were some particularly excellent contributions from D G Moody (,

onemorething (,

Rhiannonw (,

and samhennig (

but I was particularly blown away by ralph’s Act! A poem for Basildon ( which gets Pick of the Month. Gahan and Gore should indeed take note …