Story, Poem and Inspiration Point of the Week

Two fantastic pieces today. First up is Philip Sidney's haunting trip to the past via Google Maps Street-view, which was written for our wonderful Poetry Monthly brief. If you haven't tried this feature yet, do have a go - it's producing some astounding work. Our Story of the Week is Wolfboy by well-wisher. Like all good children's stories, it works on so many levels and isn't just for children. It's the best thing I've read for quite a while.



With the clocks changing on Sunday and Halloween following on next weekend, this week's Inspiration Point is poetry and prose on the theme of darkness. Good luck - I can't wait to see what you come up with!


Finally, if you're looking for a bit more inspiration, here's a link to an article about the British Library's collection of images - more than a million of them and all copyright free. Have a browse on Flkr. You never know what you might find!