Leggings – the Morning Blast of Reality Radio.


Leggings – the Morning Blast of Reality Radio.


Thought you'd like to know that old greedy Mabel and her family have never given up! They have incredible stamina. They've been here keeping me awake for most of the week, getting intense by last night. They achieved their aim until about 3.15 today, when I stopped trying to sleep and got up for breakfast. It wasn't far off the magic hour of 4.00 when Grandfather and I would have started our day with a simple breakfast and

I'd have made the fire as he shone our shoes to a high polish. Shoes were never good unless you could see your face in them. That included the sole of the shoe...


After that I went back to bed, and resolutely put them out of my mind, and slept. Grandfather possibly wouldn't have approved, yet he also maintained that a good soldier slept when they could, as well...


As my alarm went off at 7:35 Mabel was in full throated action, her voice sticky with triumph and anticipation,

“We won didn't we? We won!” She jigged about in joyous action. No longer was she bound by any boundaries...

“So you can give it us? In the way of the wills, you can give it us? Give it us! Give it us!”

“Careful Grandma!” reproved her Grand-daughter as she struggled to rebuild her reputation...

“Give it me Judge,” went on the foul greedy creature, “Give it me!” She stretched our her bony fingers, cracking bones as long as rulers towards the unfortunate man.... “I met the rules, I did, Give it me!”

“Now Grandma,” said Grand-daughter, who I'd seen in action in the cafe in Dereham trying to work her magic on a man with her tears the day before, “Now Grandma we can't do it that-a-way!”

“We can, we did it, she wasn't awake, he has to give it to me and my prostitutes now, in accordance with the wills!”


Tis funny peculier all t his, I mean isn't the named people on a will meant to have a copy before you come bothering and stealing from them? Is this the cafe guy? Is this a judge? Is it legal to harras someone in their own home over days of torture?


As I write Mabel has directed one of her Loud mouthed girls to say the words I write over the radio – she challenges Mabel over the names asking to put my name in where I write Mabel.

The so called judge tells her not too this time – he's afraid they can't use it in court then!


Now after flurraying about getting up, because they aren't up, yet, it seems that they may be preparing to leave the building quite soon!


I may need a worry monster if this keeps up!  So might the whole block!


And life is grand.