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I have 43 stories published in 10 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 60093 times and 22 of my stories have been cherry picked.
18 of my 218 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 18 votes

mickleinapickle's picture
Michael James Treacy


My stories

Good Day

Birdsong melded with forest fragrance, butterflies danced the exuberance of life while I sipped Chateau Le Touron, Monbazillac. I bathed in the warm...

My Love

My love is not like a red, red rose with her aquiline features and roaming nose; I couldn’t compare her to a summer’s day, perhaps a wet weekend in...

If Aliens Land

If aliens land what will they find? Dare we tell the truth about human kind? Do we mention the blood when soldiers die or speak of the anguish when...

It's Great

Beautiful baby, precious moment in time. "Be careful holding her with your big hands! She's lucky to have her Mum's nose and eyes." It's great being...

This Modern World (Tanka Sequence)

the Victorian tearoom transforms into the Happy Wok Takeaway... an English Rose orders chicken chow mein before reading her crystal ball... the...


18 of my comments have received 18 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

Fantastic poetry! Gotta watch

Posted on Sun, 22 May 2022

Fantastic poetry! Gotta watch those herons though... eating all the baby ducklings.

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Posted in Night Heron

1 Vote

Beautiful poem. Spring just

Posted on Mon, 07 Feb 2022

Beautiful poem. Spring just around the corner.

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Posted in The Quiet of An Owl’s Wing, February

1 Vote

I think I caught Narcissus on

Posted on Sun, 30 Jan 2022

I think I caught Narcissus on TV tonight. He was waffling from the House of Commons. Enjoyed your poem. Evocative as ever.

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Posted in Poet's Narcissus

1 Vote

Deep one. Fascinating read.

Posted on Sun, 09 Feb 2020

Deep one. Fascinating read.

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Posted in Evening Star

1 Vote

Wolves gotta eat too, of

Posted on Sun, 09 Feb 2020

Wolves gotta eat too, of course. Good poem. Powerful ending.

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Posted in The Last Footprint

1 Vote

Very good... as ever.

Posted on Sat, 04 Jan 2020

Very good... as ever.

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Posted in To the belly of an osprey

1 Vote

Good one, Luigi. I like your

Posted on Sat, 17 Aug 2019

Good one, Luigi. I like your mix of old-man nous and young-man anarchy.

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Posted in Mark My Words

1 Vote

Funny old life. I planted a

Posted on Sun, 28 Jul 2019

Funny old life. I planted a small cherry tree in the garden last year. Normally takes a couple of years to get any fruit, but this year, we had one cherry on it. The missus and I watched it grow and ripen and were just about to share it, when our...

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Posted in Perhaps

1 Vote

There's always an after-taste

Posted on Sun, 28 Jul 2019

There's always an after-taste. Great poem! Enjoyed the read.

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Posted in Salt

1 Vote

Orang Utans forever! Palm oil

Posted on Fri, 04 May 2018

Orang Utans forever! Palm oil I can take or leave. Enjoyed your take on an environmental issue.

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Posted in Palm oil or Orangutans?
