Leggings – On yer Marks!

Leggings – On yer Marks!



It was hot in the Shades which it sometimes is, and things were moving as I walked along. As I passed one point a front door slammed behind me and part of a shouting match was heard...


“You said you would!” screamed a woman inside, “You promised, I oughta – I oughta...”

I half turned and saw in the shadows a man, stocky or portly about average height, standing in the lit door way.

I knew him – he was on the list somewhere.


He answered grimly, “If she'd bought anything I would have brought you up one the same. That was the promise. She didn't seem to fancy anything really though. It was in Marks too!”

I felt hunger rumble. I shouldn't really listen in. I took another step. He wasn't quite right about it being Marks yet, young Lord Spencer was about in there today – all smartly suited up and looking spiff. Tickety boo...

This is confidential information for royal watchers of Norwich by the way. I ought to get paid for this blog! I can't guarantee he'll give you a free Easter egg if you found him in there... the sale is worth a visit :)  The walnut bread is lovely yummy stuff if you need a reason :) 


“You promised,” she wailed, “You said I should have the same. Then we could prove it was me...”

“That was your plot,” he said shortly, “I wish I hadn't got into it, I just said you could have the same...”

“I'll tell - “ she shrieked bitterly at him, her accent as fine as Mabel's, I wonder if she took Mabel's lessons.

“I'll tell your wife!”

“Huh!” he said, “That won't do you any good!”


I nearly laughed. He was pure Mattishall. He has this daughter. She's very loud and limited. He had her popped.... and I'm not sure what that is... I was told it was an old form of disciplinary punishment which is down to their culture. Or perhaps he's the brother of. He might have been the one who used to call us Vermin. He seemed to think himself bigger than other folk. Perhaps one of Christine's so called professional friends – and or perhaps a Crap-up charity shop guy...


So the door slammed shut and he walked down the Shades and away.