Leggings - Simon Legree

Leggings -  Simon Legree

At an early age I read Uncle Tom’s Cabin, totally fascinated by the plight of the African – both at home – and in the America’s.  One of my relations was reputed to be Phyllis Wheatley, the black slave girl that wrote poetry books early on.  Her child was taken from her, and she died after she was freed. 

Today in the UK I see evidence of slavery in our local population, Simon Legree has risen here too. Early this year he had two young ladies on the street, nice girls, perhaps drop-outs from the university whom he was in the process of grooming.  I have heard he’s a proper Rooney, yet I’ve also heard he uses Stephen Winterbottom’s name too.  He’s supposed to be into older women too, those he can put out to do the rough stuff and be used up.  A very ugly character is Simon.  He’s also the one who is into taking children.  He thinks one from each family – he’s into quotas.   Is this prevalent in New Zealand?     He’s a strange man, raised by odder people to think like that, yet I’ve also heard he’s perhaps related to the local Bishop…   yet that too may be wrong!    Local rumour.  I’m not convinced the Bishop is that strange!

He’d better watch it, we love our children and will never give them up.    I expect the same attitude from every parent and grandparent here too!  We may not follow religion any more -  yet we must keep the concept of right and wrong, clear.   We as humans have the right to defend our children from predators. 

I came across him on my last visit to the market town I visit from time to time too, he was threatening the people in a take-a-way.  He didn’t know I was standing there, and she was refusing to help him out.  He made vile reference to me and mine, as he’d obviously been listening to our conversation from below.  I figure they have deaf technology.   I was wooden, I stood there and as he bumbled out of the shop angrily, I stood up straight and eyed him up and down.  A thick set young man, perhaps not six feet in height, not fat.  He looked at me.  I didn’t bother to hide my contempt for him.  I raised my eyebrow sharply.  

Simon Legree ran.  He ran down the Dereham High street, screaming about my eyebrow raise.  This is a man local to where I live I think, although I may be wrong about his actual location – who people fear.  He’s very angry as he wants his girls back on the street and is looking for them everywhere.  I hope he never finds them. 

I’m sorry to write this post – because I FEAR – that we as a nation have to find a moral norm – set by cultural rules that we can all follow before we can eradicate the misrule of the dreaded slave masters!

One last request, if you've had trouble with this man yourself, tell the police, if you have information, tell the police!  Don't be afraid of him, look him in the eye, know that he's muck - tell the POLICE.

Don't let the next victim be put to work on the streets to make him money!