Happiness is a warm keyboard=I live to and love to write

I have not been posting much lately as I've been on a journey of learning the world of self publishing, learning how to format an eBook and a paperback- both apparently have different guidelines, and I’ve had to learn book cover guidelines as well. Doing all of this manually and on your own is daunting for a not always so computer literate being as myself...so It’s been a slow process of getting it right but I am slowly...very slowly...figuring it out, still I have to say, it’s a thrill to see my stories in print.

PERFECT is still a work in process as I recently learned, to my utter embarrassment, my format update that I thought had loaded had not and typos were fairly rampant in the old file that the create file had kept and loaded for publication, it didn't load the front pages at all so even the dedication was missing. I’ve diligently had to redo the whole process and reload the corrected version.

I am concerned for those who purchased the book or ebook early on and I apologize for any reading difficulties due to those typos, I truly hope it did not deter from the story but I fear it may have. On this publishing journey I've now finished my children’s book :  

“THE TROUBLE WITH MAGICAL BEINGS” (the magic adventure of Danny, Jenny and Naia.)

I had posted some early chapters of this story to the abctales site while I was working through it and the editors and readers had provided me such good feed back on this children’s story, I decided to complete it. And now I am able to say it is an eBook listed on Amazon. I’m still waiting for the paperback version to load, as a paperback takes a little more time to process through the kdp system, but expect it will be in the next couple of days.

But for all who encouraged me to finish this childrfen's story and for those who said they'd like to read it to their children and grandchildred...the ebook is viewable using the hyperlink below.

And for all those who do read this story, I would truly respect and welcome any feedback you are willing to provide me:

paste the link into the address bar and I believe it should work

USA : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086WQZ8K1

UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B086WQZ8K1

Thank you for all the kind words I've recieved for these sotries and as always thanks for listeningsmiley