Heroes: 10 Poems from the New Generation of War Poets

ABCtaler John Giffard (http://www.abctales.com/user/john-giffard) has written one of the poems in this new anthology. Heroes, 100 Poems from the New Generation of War Poets. Edited by John Jeffries.
This book is exactly as described in the title. It contained 100 poems covering various aspects of war. A large number of submissions were made in response to a call for poems for inclusion. A selection panel of 4, each individually rated all those poems and the scores collated to produce the final book. A fairly mammoth task for those on the panel, as it meant reading and scoring over 250 poems.
The panel was made up of the Poet Laureate, Carol Ann Duffy; the presenter of Radio 4's
Poetry Please, Simon Rae; General Sir Richard Dannatt and the editor himself, Captain John Jeffries, formerly of the Coldstream Guards. As you would expect there were difference in ratings between the poets and the soldiers and such it became a balance between "poetic quality and integrity of experience", as it a selection of War Poems, integrity won the day in some cases.
The poems come from a variety of writers,Army, Air Force and Navy, as well as from wives, mothers and children.The time in uniform of those service and ex-servicemen varies from World War 2 to the present day including submissions from those currently in Afghanistan.

It can be purchased from Amazon here:


To commemorate the start of the  Great War, John has written his own book of poems and short stories. This contains the poem from the anthology and all sorts of poems and stories of all kinds both thought provoking and humorous. And is called 'The Medal'

The book has a minimum price of £4.90 and all proceeds are to be devoted to the Army Benevole4nt Fund.
Copies can be obtained from
Amazon or http://www.wwjohngiffardinf.com/