Poetry Monthly

A big thank you to Accidentallyexisting for her performance based brief last month. Here’s three favourites:

Accidentallyexisting gives us lyrical flavours of a most authentic character:


Londoncalling’s sort-of-nonsense is steeped in a love of Ireland:


Elsie’s rhythm has the pound of the playground’s skipping rope:


We go to Catherine Poarch now, known on-site for her animal poetry and passion for global conservation:

 Write your own Creation story, which could be in the form of a poem or story. It doesn't have to be how the whole world was created in the traditional sense. Perhaps just one thing - like the sun, the trees, stars, a rock, even that little mouse shrinking away from your huge feet underneath that chair. It's open to interpretation. You could extend the idea by departing from universal notions of creation to things we know about – human reproduction and birth, light and sound. This could be about conveying profound truths or not, symbolism, veering in to religion or history, you could make it literal, metaphoric or symbolic. Get us in a spin.

 See you next month and keep all these illuminating ideas coming: ray@abctales.com

​​Thanks all


Photo Credit:http://tinyurl.com/zp6o8qs