styx's blog

A Taliban Christmas

Some really good news - the Afghanistan Taliban has condemned the attack on the school in Pakistan; this will bring some good cheer for their families at this time of year. Maybe they'll put mini coffins underneath their Christmas trees. Seriously though: that part of the world is feudal and this is just one gang lambasting another one, and when the oil's gone we won't give a damn. Bring it on. They're discussing on The Wright Stuff, would you...


27 April 2014 Definition of PAP 1 chiefly dialect : nipple , teat 8am. I doubt that you've taken much notice of 2 Popes going to Rome one of them Pope von Ribbentrop, to anoint Pope John as the patron saint of little boys nipples: my first thought was, 'where's a sniper when you need one?' Jeez, 2 popes in one hit, they'd probably make him a, um, a saint! OK, just for the sake of feminism it could be a hit woman. If I'm a womaniser and I am,...