Photographs of England

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Photographs of England

I've just made friends with a lovely couple from England. They lived in Chichester and have just recently moved to Canada, and have lent me a book entitled "Sussex: A portrait in colour."

It's by Andy Williams. The photography in the book is brilliant and, in addition to many others, have write ups and photographs of such places as Seven Sisters (absolutely stunning!), Arundel Castle, Brighton, and Chichester.

England has such beauty. Any members live around Sussex?

lost letter finder
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
according to my son aged 15 it is "unlikely" but well worth asking the question purely for the look of surprise on his face
Anonymous's picture
i suppose all you lovely spurs fans would want sol to go to the arse, then? spurs to get Fowler? My Wenger! As for taunting - methinks you confuse us with the Scum.
Anonymous's picture
'Fraid not, Soft, blind as the proverbial bat...
Anonymous's picture
The scum? Do you mean Arsenal and Manchester United? I do have a soft spot for Everton. Up the toffees!!!
Anonymous's picture
yeah - right up 'em!
Anonymous's picture
Don'y you just love pathetic rivalries!?
Anonymous's picture
nope, but i'm rather keen on arsenal.
spag or stormy?
Anonymous's picture
that reminds me......give me three English football teams that have swearwords in their name.
Anonymous's picture
scunthorpe over to you, spagbog...
Anonymous's picture
ok thats one
Anonymous's picture
two if you count the other north london club already mentioned
little weed
Anonymous's picture
I'm so excited!
alex fergiscum
Anonymous's picture
f*****g Man United?
Rude Mullet
Anonymous's picture
Close enough alex. the version I know is: Arsenal; Scunthorpe and f******g Chelsea.
Lord Have Mersey
Anonymous's picture
does anyone know of any literary figures who wrote about or had an interest in football? I'm dimly aware that Camus was a goalie at one point and wrote a few bits and pieces about the beautiful game. I'm researching for a book. Honest.
Anonymous's picture
Arthur Conan Doyle was the first goalkeeper for Portsmouth Footy Club. He helped found it. God Knows Why!
Anonymous's picture
i've been told about a book called Philosophy Football by mark perryman, which may be useful. i think it consists of a fantasy team of "thinkers" who have/had connections to the game. i know that camus is included, but i don't whether any of the others in the book are literary figures. think camus was algeria's goalkeeper either just before or just after the war?
Spritely Llama
Anonymous's picture
Spritely Llama is delighted and has performed 15 happy leaps with the joy of knowing that Barry loves the countryside too. Llama would like to recommend Wales, Scotland and Ireland to Barry.
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
Dear Barry, As a resident of Brighton who has been to Seven Sisters many many times I can tell you that Sussex is indeed beautiful - but it is overcrowded, full of Southerners and dreadful in the road and rail departments. Take a look at wonderful Lancashire or Devon or Leicestershire (a surprising gem) as well as Wales, Scotland and Ireland! pip pip, tc
Anonymous's picture
Wales is full of hairy people. I am Welsh and know. Berkshire is full of green wellies, people who love to boast about building work and who take one pocket-sized child two hundred yards to school in a tank-like four wheel drive. I have never been to Leicester. Someone sell it to me, I am badly in need of a change.
auntie jackie
Anonymous's picture
Hi Barry, I am Scottish (Musselburgh near Edinburgh), but have lived in Yorkshire for most of my adult life. I live in the Pilgrim Fathers area and have amassed through many years of delving in the local archives an extraordinary amount of information and consequently taken many photographs of the churches etc where it all began. It is a fascinating hobby and one which hopefully one day I will do something constructive about. If you wish I can send you a 'photo of some of the pictures that I have taken. PS Where about are you from? AJ :>)
Anonymous's picture
wolfie! leicester is lovely ... it is the home of hosiery and the pork pie .. there are many pleasant bar type places where the drinking of beverages takes place .. it is also home to the very exciting Space Science Centre (tho i am not sure if it is open yet) ... Daniel Lambert is a son of Leicester and you can see his famously large trousers (feels link with pork pie may be possible here) Also Leicester is very famous for its Cultural Diversity ... many delicious sights to be seen and a famously large market (with a stall run by the Linekers ... veg i think) ... if all that is not enough to tempt you to come to Ta Chucks BIG Day Out on July 12th ... then remember i live here too ... yours I Fishbone (ms.) Leicester Tourist Board
Barry Wood
Anonymous's picture
Dear Auntie Jackie: I'm from Halifax, Canada. I'll drop you an e-mail Auntie. Thank you. Cheers.
Anonymous's picture
Despite my name, I am in fact a vegetarian. Therefore the pork pie angle does little to whet my appetite. However, the rest sounds relatively intriguing. Wales, the land of my birth (my mother was there at the time) is quite a seductive prospect, despite the hirsuite natives. It is full of legends, castles, mysticism and the feisty legacy of a dark, fiery fighting nation. It's strange in a black crows in the trees at dawn kind of way. Obligatory green as far as the eye can squint, speckled with sheep. The Welsh like to drink, to love and to sing, but not necessarily in that order.
Anonymous's picture
... you could still look at Daniel Lambert's trousers tho wolfie ...
Barry Wood
Anonymous's picture
Barry takes 150 happy leaps with Llama, Tony, Wolfgirl, and Fishbone, bowing with thanks. Whew. Now I'm exhausted. Cheers.
Barry Wood
Anonymous's picture
Can't rest. Now I'm leaping with Auntie Jackie. :-)
Anonymous's picture
Leicester eh? Been there once and was very scared. one thing that makes Leicester rule is the fact that Englebert Humperdink was born there and still lives in Lei-ces-ter. I live in Surrey. Is becoming Americanised and more a part of London. Though Chessington is very nice and has some gorgeous fields and sights.
Anonymous's picture
scared in leicester???? .... i know where Englebert lives ...
Anonymous's picture
I got scared as I went to a bar and was surrounded by packs of male eating gals in high heels and thought I was in Essex. Ivory, you'll have to take me to see the messiah's house.
Anonymous's picture
no probs si ... pity you are not coming at christmas ... it has the most fetching fairy lights ...
stormy petrel
Anonymous's picture
Sussex! pah. check this out Barry:
Barry Wood
Anonymous's picture
I'm on the site now, Stormy. Informative link. Much appreciated. I've already checked out some of its pubs. So St. Ives is north of London and has many magnificant churches. Thanks for the link, Stormy. I'll spend much more time on it. In fact I've bookmarked it.
Anonymous's picture
I-v-o-r-y, me happy that you gonna show me Engle's tower of a house. I can be there next Xmas but that is sadly a long time away
Anonymous's picture
Just wanted to add something here so that Si won't think the thread bombed after his posting ;-) I know Surrey well, Si. I was born in Thames Ditton (sorry about that) but we moved away shortly afterwards. I'm currently writing a novel the early part of which is set in Kingston and I was there a lot last year doing research.
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
St. Ives is also in Cornwall, Barry - there are a number of St. Iveses in England! As for Leicester, check out the Bluebell Inn in Hoby - around eight miles north of Leicester. Yes, the Lineker's stall is a veg one in the market which is the best market in Britain, also look for Sue Townsend the wondoerful author of Adrian Mole around town as she lives there too. Also check out the magnificent all conquering Leicester Tigers Rugby club - a match at Welford Road is always a treat - and the football club possess great spirit and achieve way beyond their means. The basketball club is worth a visit, the huge cascade of locks on the canal just north of Market Harborough, Bobbys Vegetarian Restaurant on the Melton Road, the amazing Indian gold shops, the genuine multi culturalism of the place - it's fun and not sufficiently appreciated by the British let alone the rest of the world. I lived there for six years and loved it. pip pip
Anonymous's picture
Hey Miss Lifeboats. I am actually over the fact that I end threads now. I been to Kingston many times. In fact, it is but a bus ride away and a couple of stops away by train. I hope you liked your time in Kingston. If you know a town called Sutton in Surrey , where I live, i would most enjoy conversing with you about it.
soft lad
Anonymous's picture
Try Liverpool, Bazza. We've got more trees and less hubcaps than anywhere else in England.
Anonymous's picture
Liverpool eh? Well I wouldn't take my car there.
soft lad
Anonymous's picture
You would probably lose it amongst all our lovely trees.
Barry Wood
Anonymous's picture
Thanks for your fine thoughts, spaghetti, soft lad, mandy, and Tony. My best to you all.
Anonymous's picture
That's quite alright Barry my dear chum. Oh and to talk to Soft lard or soft lad. I wouldn't lose my car in the trees. It would be stolen and then I'd find it half a mile down the road burnt out :-)
Anonymous's picture
Erm...I thought Seven Sisters was that last tube stop just south of Enfield...could have sworn I saw it when I was in Blighty last week trying to make sense of a physchadelic map of the underground... I can recommend Ireland highly, though, especially the south west - no shortage of Guinness either.
soft lad
Anonymous's picture
ever been to Liverpool, si?
Anonymous's picture
i know where Sue Townsend lives too ... *considers doing hollywood style tours in red polo*
Anonymous's picture
Never been to Liverpool Soft Lad. Just having a laugh at the generalisation that people have of Liverpudlians
soft lad's dad
Anonymous's picture
I thought you'd never been to Liverpool, si, or you would realise that we couldn't burn any cars in case our lovely trees caught fire.
Anonymous's picture
I prefer France
Anonymous's picture
Hello Soft Lad's Dad. I indeed have never been to Liverpool. I may have to take a look at your lovely trees sometime. * Becoming a Uktrotter*


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