Do I have this right?

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auntie jackie
Anonymous's picture
Liana (the vanishing writer!!) 1) I, like Antoinette didn't rubbish your work, just your remarks. 2) I am not a personal friend of Antoinette, we have never met nor conversed in any shape or form. 3) After reading your claims that ALL of your work had been cherry picked I also checked your statement out and found that indeed it had not. 4) You say that I am touchy. Uh Uh. I haven't pulled all of my work off the site, as you have appeared to have done. Why, I ask myself. Surely not because you have had your postings answered in the same vain as you, yourself posted yours? 5) I suggest, should you still be clocking on to ABC tales that you invest in a good dictionary and a grammar checker as your last posting does somewhat leave a lot to be desired in that department. Normally, I wouldn't comment on such a trivial thing, but seeing as you seem to be very observant on other people's mistakes, I felt that you would be grateful for a gentle nudge in the right direction. Finally from one unknown writer to a world published author, please feel free to peruse my ramblings on ABC tales, and if you wish to comment on my work, I can take it, be it on the chin or anywhere else you may wish to place it!!!!!!
Anonymous's picture
Don't go Liana! I've not read any of your stuff, but this message board has been compulsive!
Anonymous's picture
I've got this theory that maybe Liana is a nom de keyboard just like David St. Bonk the David Street Bonker! What do you all think?
Anonymous's picture
i am sorry to see liana go ...
auntie jackie
Anonymous's picture
REALLY! WHY! Were you one of her few readers???
Anonymous's picture
awww .. auntie jackie ... no need for that ... i have no personal axes to grind on here ... i read a lot of the work on the site and i thought liana's work was good is all ...
Anonymous's picture
this is quite enough of one topic that seems to have gone a bit astray. as for the disappearing writer thing, i suspect that anyone who saw fit to remove their stories/poems from the site did so out of compulsion to protect their rights with regards to selling material to other publishers. i myself am thinking about removing a significant portion of my writing so that i won't worry about where the rights lie on submission to publishers. i think this was where the topic was originally headed? richard watt
Anonymous's picture
Aj Antoinette Mississippi And lm supposed to be the vitriolic one??????? Nah, Liana is a real name, unlike l suspect the rest of yours. Ivoryfishbone, Richard - thanks for taking the discussion to a serious level, l made a point, and got surrounded by schoolyard sniping - very odd. Yes, it worried me about the publishing rights, in that once ABC publish it, that same piece cant be published anywhere else for a year. Seems a long while..... Thats all l wanted to mention. After a nice mail from Mark Yelland Brown, facts are clearer. Regards from the top of the pedestal (apparently) Liana
Anonymous's picture
Hey Liana, I think you're getting a little overwrought. Don't get so upset all the time, I wasn't having a snipe at anybody, just trying to inject some humour into what seemed to be getting a bit out of hand and personal. Oh and by the way, Mississippi is a real name, check it out in any atlas, they've named a whole state just that in America!


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