What's in a name too?

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What's in a name too?

I think it might give a little insight into some contributors minds if the ones with obscure or baffling user names gave explanations or reasons for their choice of name.

That Ivory woman is a prime candidate for this!

Simon Thorne
Anonymous's picture
ivoryfishbone is obviously the Queen Mum, god bless 'er. Keep up the good work, yer Maj.
Anonymous's picture
i shall certainly not be explaining ... i prefer to remain in pretentious shrouds of mystery ....
Anonymous's picture
I hesitated between Rhoda Dendrons, Rhoda Kammell, Boyce R. Nyce & Titus Uranus. Eventually I settled for continuing to use the nom de plume I've now been using for the last ten years: Mandy Lifeboats, which I inadvertently entered as mandylifeboats. Eheu...
Anonymous's picture
Titus Uranus? What kind of life are you leading Mandy?
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