A couple of recommendations

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A couple of recommendations

I first came to ABC last December after hearing John Bird being interviewed on Radio 5. He mentioned a young author called Liza Granville. It suddenly struck me that a lot of newbies to the site will not have seen her work yet.

She hasn't appeared to write for a while now but I suspect I know why that is. Time will tell.

Anyway, not all of her output is my cup of tea but it is still possibly the best of writing on this site. If you haven't read her yet - do so - then sob to yourself as you wish you had half her talent.

You can find her collection under the username ' Liza'.

My second recommendation is the story 'It' by James_burr. This should be mandatory reading for all contributors. If it makes you feel uncomfortable then hopefully you will have learned something today.

Barry Wood
Anonymous's picture
I'll check out Liza Granville and James Burr as soon as possible. Thanks!
Anonymous's picture
Gee, thanks guys! :-)
stormy petrel
Anonymous's picture
I particularly enjoyed 'Book one' thanks
Carly Svamvour
Anonymous's picture
Well, thanks for the recommendations .. I just read Liza's 'A Sort of Legacy' - that blew me away.
tony cook
Anonymous's picture
I'm glad Liza Granville is coming back into fashion here on ABCtales. We were so gratified in the very early days that someone of such obvious talent had found her way to us. Now we have hundreds of you and I thank you all. Another early author whose work you should check out is Karl Wiggins. Give him a whirl.
Barry Wood
Anonymous's picture
Thanks, Tony. I'm checking out Karl Wiggins right now. Barry Wood
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
Thanks for that Tony, I've been absent for a few weeks in the States and have only checked in a couple of times. Both Sue and myself are hoping to see you again at the next storytelling event on the 21st. Karl
Anonymous's picture
Check out curua, his work is very funny.
Anonymous's picture
i'll second that dogplop
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