Deserving Expecting

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Deserving Expecting

do we get what we deserve or what we expect?

is it a matter of self fulfilling prophecy or karma?

is it true that you get back what you put in ...

Anonymous's picture
and it still can be fishy dearest, the problem is all these monosyllabic men who don't know how to hold a proper conversation and just keep coming up with one word or one line answers when if they just gave it a little bit of thought they could enrich their lives with the joy of communication for its own sake rather than just sitting there with one eye on the newspaper and the other on some god-awful sporting programme on the TV like that Rugby match at the weekend - although I must say that Jonny Wilkinson is a bit fit isn't he, and that Martin Johnson looks like he could roger round the clock even if his face does look the bald eagle from the muppets, do you remember the muppets? Fozzy Bear was my favourite, I think he taught himself to play that piano, or so my friend Janice told me and she used to go out with one of the cameramen until he suggested bringing his zoom lens into the bedroom if you know what I mean, dirty sod, she dropped him like a shot, which would have been a good move except that won the lottery the very next week while she hasn't had a sniff of trouser for the past 15 years and .............. oh feck it I can't keep this up, I'm going down the pub. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
i'm still worried about janice, how is she, she's been through the mill hasn't she, poor soul....
Anonymous's picture
oh hasn't she just, if ever a woman suffered...............
Anonymous's picture
well she deserves a bit of happiness......if anyone does, it's her....
Anonymous's picture
Firstly Fishy, I wasn't trying to sabotage your interesting discussion, secondly my answer to your question, 'do we get what we deserve or what we expect?' is NOT incorrect thank you. It is a subjective question and I gave a subjective answer. Furthermore your comment, 'i was indeed expecting a silly answer from you missi' begs explanation. I appear to have upset you over something in recent months but have absolutely no idea how or why. I don't deserve this and don't expect an explanation. Does that answer your initial question more acceptably?
Anonymous's picture
yes, no one should have to go through what she did with that Dave....the man is a brown smear on the gusset of life...... did I tell you about him and Janices' sister?
Anonymous's picture
janice's sister? he didn't here, settle down and have a coffee i'm all ears
Anonymous's picture
ooh ta, just three sugars, I'm watching my weight, well apparently he offered her a lift home from Janices place and six months later she's wearing smocks and support tights.......
Anonymous's picture
*offers some jamaica ginger cake*
Anonymous's picture
I shouldn't really *grabs large slice*
Anonymous's picture
So is Janice expecting? And if so, is she deserving?
Anonymous's picture
not janice, it's that cow of a sister who is doing the expecting
Anonymous's picture
I don't expect much any more, and since I took up that attitude I've been happier. But I like to imagine what could possibly happen, even if it's far-fetched, as a sort of game. I suppose this is what's known as visualisation and it serves two purposes - a) it keeps you receptive to possibilities and therefore opportunities which otherwise might pass by unnoticed. b) it shoves negative self-fulfilling prophecies under the settee. I don't know about karma. If you're beating yourself up mentally and something bad happens it seems as if you've deserved it and therefore may have caused it to happen. But a long way back before one started going stale, is a child who deserved to be happy, and not have bricks dropped on their head from a height. I don't believe in reincarnation. I think you only get one chance. So stay away from building sites.
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
If you mean, does karma exist for specific people, then my opinion is that it doesn't, because bad things happen to good people and vice versa all the time. If, however, you mean that in general people who are kind and work hard tend to do better than those who don't, then I would agree. To take a small example, most people if they are asked how they are, will say "Not too bad" - if you start saying instead, "pretty good" then it does have a small but perceptible impact on your day and those of people around you.
Anonymous's picture
I agree Andrew, I think if you are an expecting person then your outlook is generally optimistic. However if you go around with the attitude that "I deserved that promotion" (ie didn't get it) then perhaps you are procrastinating. Most people I think fall somewhere in the middle. If I buy a lottery ticket then I expect to win (otherwise what's the point). If I win I feel that I deserve it. If I don't win I feel that I did deserve to win and therefore buy another ticket expecting to. If I fall in a cowpat that I wasn't expecting then I feel that I didn't deserve it and expect that the cow should be turned in to bangers before the day is out. As is his just deserts.
Anonymous's picture
Rachel, if by"cow" you are referring to Janices sister, then I think it's a bit harsh, she was only 21 at the time and he was in his thirties....
Anonymous's picture
... well then, she's expecting and he's deserving.
Anonymous's picture
sorry hox, luv, i called janice's sister a cow...i do tend to jump in all guns blaring....he was in his 30s you say, he should know better and start thinking with his head instread of trousers... *another slice of jamaican ginger cake? you might as well finish it off, i mean one slice is enough for me*
Anonymous's picture
Go on Hox. Fish can always take you corset shopping. And my 'Cowpat' reference was not to Janice's sister, it was a profound philosophical metaphor.
Anonymous's picture
is janice the one who rides the honda 50?
Anonymous's picture
No, that's Belinda.
Anonymous's picture
i thought belinda had a vespa?
Anonymous's picture
Oh silly me, you're right. Yes she did, but she totalled it outside the Spar in June.
Anonymous's picture
oh heavens ... what did Jeff say? and was she hurt? i know she always did have a bit of a dicky ankle and a penchant for swerving ... did the two conspire to cause the totalling? had she been in spar and if so was she buying that cheapo emva cream as usual ... it's quite cheap in spar (so i heard) ... only i know she likes a little tipple when Jeff is out at tai chi ...
Anonymous's picture
oh and hox ... yes jonny IS a bit fit but i feel he IS the obvious choice to drool over and really i find i am torn between Catt and Cohen ... i don't know what it is about Catt ... very nice legs and his face reminds me of someone i used to go out with in sixth form who turned out to be a radiographer in the end ...
Anonymous's picture
No well, don't tell anyone but it was all a bit sus and the rozzers wouldn't let the insurance company pay out the money because they said she was creating a diversion while Darren slipped in to the Spar and nicked 40 Bensons for his mum and a pack of nappies for the little one, which was a shame because she was going to use the money to pay Jeff's bail and perhaps have enough left over for a night out at Nandos. But anyway they gave her a This Morning make over so she was OK in the end.
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
Well, that Tai Chi class is just a front isn't it?
Anonymous's picture
well frankly i am shocked ... i thought he was all zen and whathaveyou ... still you never really know people do you? anyway i read a quote yesterday which said the chinese word for "crisis" is made up of two symbols, one represents danger and the other represents opportunity ... freda's post above made me remember that ...
Anonymous's picture
..I can't manage tai chi in this corset *finishes 4th slice of cake*... [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
Fancy a spot of lunch Hox?
Anonymous's picture
Jeff was knocking out fake designer perfume from the back of his Toyota Yaris in the rec car park all that time. You know Yasmine's sister in law's cousin? Well she bought some dodgy channel number five and one of her implants went septic.
Anonymous's picture
I'll just have a salad if you don't mind, with the low calorie dressing, and, hmmm *scans menu*.................... the pork pie. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
Go on. Spoil yourself. It's Friday. Have a banana donut too. My god, how do you spell donut - not like that is it?
Anonymous's picture
*opens fridge* Hox, help yourself everything apart from the pickled eggs....
Anonymous's picture
doughnut, dounut? i used to spell it dognuts.
Anonymous's picture
As long as you weren't eating them too.
Anonymous's picture
i have just had two cheese and bacon croissants ... i wish there were some dognuts for afters ...
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
It serves her right if you ask me, wearing a skirt like that to go riding around on scooters - and at her age? Is that a doughnut on offer? Oooh, now I've gone and done it, popped right out of me thingummyjig. What was the question again?
Anonymous's picture
Yes that would be the dogs bollocks.
Anonymous's picture
*whispers to hox and martin* ... i dont think tony's quite GOT it ...
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
He's more than bloody got it - he bloody invented it - and now everyone's got it and they're not looking so smug now, are they?
Anonymous's picture
*continues to whisper* ... what's he going on about now?
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
It's the voices in my head. They keep telling me different things. 'Shut up, Arthur!' 'OK, I will if you will.' It's just so distracting.
Anonymous's picture
*still whispering* .... rachel ... just reach behind the door and get that jacket ... yes the nice white one ... yes padded ... the one with the lovely design feature of the arms tying behind the back ...
Anonymous's picture
It's his age, bless him.
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Does that mean that piss-poor 80s band were actually "China Danger-Opportunity"? Now it sounds like a seventies spy-show with funky theme tune.
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
And you thought I'd lost the plot.
Anonymous's picture
hahhaa andrew ... yes ... and next time someone is going on a bit you can say ... "don't turn a drama into a danger/opportunity"
Anonymous's picture
Fish....... pssst......I've got the coat, the one with the long sleeves...... but I'm not sure who to put it on anymore.


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