Play for Today

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Play for Today

I came across this the other day

It's a complete listing of all of the plays that featured in the BBC's Wednesday Play/Play for Today series between 1964 and 1984. I have to admit that I'm a bit young to remember them but what I was completely wowed by was the sheer diversity of the stuff they actually commissioned and broadcast. If you look through, there's a massive range of topics, tones and intentions, with what seems, in today's climate of tried and tested TV formulas, a great amount of invention on the part of writers.

I was fascinated by the fact that you can kind of see how writers took ideas and worked them up into plots. I think I might go through and nick some, not having access to the originals, and write my own and see how far I get today.

It must be the rain today that's making me nostalgic for something I don't even remember.


Anonymous's picture
Rain, your lucky theres been snow blizzards up here today.
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