New small press magazine needs contributors

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New small press magazine needs contributors

The first edition of Aalst Magazine is being put, some might say cobbled, together as you read this.

Aalst is a new small press magazine which takes a sideways look at life. It offers exposure (but no money as yet) to writers, poets and artists. Particularly welcome are those with an off-beat sense of humour and those who take a cynical but not jaundiced view of the world.

We still need submissions of articles, short fiction, poetry and
artwork. If you think your style is appropriate for this magazine then please look at the submissions page.

In fact, we want you to look at the submissions page anyway.

Anonymous's picture
Hi, Pat. I'll go and take a look at your site. Having produced a small mag once, I'm always interested...
Anonymous's picture
Gonna take a look right now, Pat. I submit a lot of stuff to Small Press zines and am always glad to hear about a new one starting up - most are brilliant and keep the art of 'off-beat' writing alive...
Anonymous's picture
Nice. Looks like my sort of thing. Pity no submissions through e-mail or word docs though... Oh, dear, have to resort to snailmail I s'pose. How long does a reply take to come through? Some of 'em take months...
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