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Past couple days, I have been engrossed in this new year's entries in the World Question Center at

I found this by Delta Willis, and thought it interesting. Hope that there is no harm in reproducing it here for the purposes of discussion:

"Delta Willis

Delta's Law

There are three sides to every story.

The Greek letter delta is a symbol for change in formulas. This triangle can be taken personally to create a philosophy that can be used as laws. For example, the 3 points of a triangle create a possibility space for change. Two points in a debate provide nothing more than a tyranny of dichotomies, whereas adding a third possibility is always more interesting, and closer to the true complexity of life. This rule of favoring 3s instead of 2s also works in any design to please the eye, such as three pictures on a wall instead of two. A couple become more interesting when they go beyond their own twosome to create a third focal point, whether a child, a book or a business. As Yale paleontologist Dolf Seilacher put it, Symmetry is boring. The next time you are confronted with only two choices, create a third, and see the possibility space expand."

Do the writers and artists amongst you think that she is onto someting?

Anonymous's picture
In defence of dichotomies: "I know of one Greek labyrinth which is a single straight line. Along that line so many philosophers have lost themselves that a mere detective might well do so, too. Scharlach, when in some other incarnation you hunt me, pretend to commit (or do commit) a crime at A, the a second crime at B, eight kilometres from A, then a third crime at C, four kilometres from A and B, half way between the two. Wait for me afterwards at D, two kilometres from A and C, again halfway between both. Kill me at D, as you are now going to kill me at Triste-le-Roy" Death and the Compass, Jorge Luis Borges
Jeff Prince
Anonymous's picture
There are three members of chart sensation Busted. Nuff said.
Anonymous's picture
I should imagine all the adulterers do.
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
Karl Marx was way ahead of this game. Take a look at dialectics and you will see what I mean. Basically he showed that if you move from A to B then you can never go back to A again as the process of going through B has fundamentally changed you - therefore all you can go back to is 'not A'. This was probably the foremost piece of philosophical thinking in the past 200 years! That's a desperately simplistic analysis of dialectics (and all old Karl did was turn Hegel on his head) but once examined, and the implications understood, then it takes us light years forwards!
Anonymous's picture
Are dialectics a critical part of the next 48hrs Tony?
ely whitley
Anonymous's picture
I used to believe three was my lucky number and would always bet in threes during my fruit machine addiction days. It isn't. There is nothing wrong with symmetry as part of composition and as for 'pleasing the eye' it's all down to weight and position rather than numbers. The 'golden section' was created as a theory for just these reasons but works (like all the best theories) with any number or application. My point is that thinking three is better than two will only lead to madness (up three places to number three with "Three Steps Beyond"). Options are always good if they're relevent but that should be determined by the problem. I'd rather find my answer in option one, failing that option two, failing that three, failing that...... my new lucky number is eight, I'll keep you posted.
Anonymous's picture
I like 13. Some people are scared of it but it's cute and harmless.
Anonymous's picture
My clockcard number at work used to be 13, now it's 2484 not quite the same is it?
Anonymous's picture
Ever since a kid my lucky number has always been 7 (don't ask for an explanation)... or three consecutive 7's to be precise: 777. My 1st daughter (unplanned) was born exactly 7 minutes into the 7th of July... A couple of years they started appearing with a surprising regularity almost on a daily basis, just as I was embarking on some significant changes in my life... you know... on car number plates before me, change and money balances, the mile-o-meter when the car was parked at home etc... Of course, I try not to take this too seriously, being fully aware that my unconcious brain is attuned to these numbers and will thus pick them out from whenever the opportunity arises... nevertheless I lie if I I say that it was not strangley comforting. However, this past year, the sevens completely disappeared... even though in missing them, I was conciously looking out for them. I can't remember the last time in the last 8 months when an uncontrived 777 has popped up in front of my face! Oh dear... must have lost my way and sure enough my brilliant plans seem to have stalled! The good news: I have seen a few double sevens recently so with my latest decisions it must mean I am getting back on track... so ahem, Watch out World! Or perhaps I should just adopt 3 as my new lucky number. On the subject of the thread. I think when stuck in a rut between two unpleasant decisions it is worth making up a third choice and taking it... seems to me be a good way out. Also the three in the couple sounds good too... any offers?
Ros Lloyd
Anonymous's picture
I thought it was obvious...! But maybe I'm an unsung genius! Lol!
Anonymous's picture
Thesis Antithesis Synthesis
The Dark Lord o...
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