'Good Truths'

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'Good Truths'

and 'Bad Truths'.

'Good Truths' are ones you like, they are plump and well nourished. You have nurtured and molly-coddled them from birth. You oten their fat asses (arses?) in satisfaction and generally are mighty proud of them and not hesitant to show them off to all and sundry.

'Bad Truths' are those you don't quite like... maybe you did not start off with them, but much to your annoyance they have taken on their ugly little forms on anyway. They skulk around the edges of your consciousness and do a dancy wavy thing you just when you think you may be rid of them. You do your best to ignore and not believe in them, but every now and then the inescapable conc is that they exist. You try and keep them well hidden (even unto yourself).

.... until today! Let us have them out! The scurillous little blighters.

*I have one about teabags, which I cannot quite remember now... have to dig deep within my psyche*

Anonymous's picture
GT: I'm alive BT: I won't always be
Emma Bryant
Anonymous's picture
You're on the wrong thread if you are on about tea... Glad you started a new thread, I was concerned that the sheer weight of the last one would cause a....BAD GATEWAY...
Anonymous's picture
*often slap*
Anonymous's picture
I have no bad truths ... apart from the one about wanting to punch 1legspider.
Anonymous's picture
You have loads Stormy... and they do stagger around quite a bit...
Anonymous's picture
hey 1leg ... any chance you could be a bit more obscure?
Anonymous's picture
The biggest bad truth was realising there was a God...after living 18 years of sin and nastiness and trying to deny Him. Good truths; My father loves me, I'm quite smart, and endowed with reasonable good looks
Anonymous's picture
Good truths; my kids are the best thing that ever happened to me, the world is utterly fascinating and I wouldn't have missed it for anything, writing is good for you. Bad truth; there are consequences for every choice, if you go to bed late you'll be k**ckered next day.
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