Top ten most marvellous of things

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Anonymous's picture
Yep Emma, I think that's fine with me. Ice skating is good too but I'm not as good at it (vain) and chocolate... I can see where you're coming from xx
Anonymous's picture
1. Andrew Pack 2. Stolichnaya 3. Portishead 4. Dr. Marten flip flops 5. La Perla 6. Summer Duvets 7. Johnny Depp 8. The beach 9. the new bbc trailer for the olympics 10. my car (even with a hole in the exhaust)
Anonymous's picture
*Takes suit to the cleaners*
Anonymous's picture
Is it one of your most marvellous things missi? *smiles*
Anonymous's picture
The need to clean it will most certainly be so. *maintains inscrutable countenance*
Anonymous's picture
Not necessarily in order of preference... 1. My home...(now just me and the kids). 2. My car. 3. My computer. 4. My book collection. 5. My girlfriend's kisses. 6. Her eyes. 7. Liana and Andrew 8. My mum and dad for their support of late. 9. The internet (includes all my internet friends - Rachel, Martin, Fishbert et al.) 10. All the great music my girlfriend keeps sending me.
Ely Whitley
Anonymous's picture
in no order at all: meat and potato pies alcohol Sarah ejaculation Rolf Harris fire strawberry milkshakes laughing sleep towels
Anonymous's picture
I made strawberry milkshakes on saturday night, with fresh strawberries, milk, cream, vanilla essence and crumbled cadbury flakes on top... the kids hated them. ungrateful buggers.
Anonymous's picture
the wind the sea the feel of silk against my skin honey mead silver birch trees smiles laughter words my granddaughter and one very special person - who knows who is he ... none of which are in order - trouble is there are more like my car my books my bed my palm plant my cd's but you no none of these are as important as the two people named and my three kids ...and my son-in-law to be so that make six people
Anonymous's picture
1:a fry up at breakfast the full English. 2: Gorillas 3:Dolphins 4:Beyonce 5:The Sopranos(not the type that do fecking Opera, which is over half the word of operation by the way, need i say more?) 6:ABC and UKA 7:music 8:films 9:Hungarian and and photography.
Anonymous's picture
Sabelle I forgot to put dancing on mine my passion for years that took me back a bit although a bit sad as if I tried now I expect I would fall over she said as the tears driped from her eyes...
andrew o'donnell
Anonymous's picture
The Johnny Cash version of 'Personal Jesus' is a classic, Ralph.. I've been listening to that recently too. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
All things that are warm, furry and wriggly (thinking of puppies, kittens...yes, I know, but listen to Stevie Smith: " In his fur the animal rode / And in his fur he strove / And oh it filled my heart, my heart / It filled my heart with love.) A beech wood with ferns growing in unpredictable clumps. Adobe houses. Mr Lifeboats unexpectedly kissing my bare stomach this morning. Fur (preferably living) against my bare skin. Hearing from the dentist I don´t need any filling Coming out of the Eurotunnel and seeing the rolling hills of my homeland again. My grandson sending me a Valentine of his own accord. Eating grapefruit (I´m addicted).
Anonymous's picture
All things that are warm, furry and wriggly (thinking of puppies, kittens...yes, I know, but listen to Stevie Smith: " In his fur the animal rode / And in his fur he strove / And oh it filled my heart, my heart / It filled my heart with love.) A beech wood with ferns growing in unpredictable clumps. Adobe houses. Mr Lifeboats unexpectedly kissing my bare stomach this morning. Fur (preferably living) against my bare skin. Hearing from the dentist I don´t need any filling Coming out of the Eurotunnel and seeing the rolling hills of my homeland again. My grandson sending me a Valentine of his own accord. Eating grapefruit (I´m addicted). [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
1. Beer 2. Cheese 3. Kung Fu Movies 4. Japanese Pop Music 5. Sailing 6. Digital Radio 7. [a particuler person] 8. The fact my boss made a twat of himself on Friday 9. Resigning 10. Sleep
Anonymous's picture
Snakes, I was at a bbq on saturday night and they had all these pet snakes, I am definitely getting me one. Oh, and Pimp My Ride on MTV, the only reason to watch telly. (and cheese is way better than chocolate)
Anonymous's picture
(cheese is just bloody amazing - and Pimp My Ride is UNBELIEVABLE....what is going on in the world huh?)
Anonymous's picture
My eldest son Then comes my other two Kids My 7 grand kids John my son-in-law also John my neighbour. Whoever's up there that keeps me going as I know there is someone Tony Cook for the magnanimous offer he once made me on the threads. Ely Whitley and his birthday poem lovely and unbelievable that someone could ever do something like that just for me a mile stone in my life that will always be remembered.
Anonymous's picture
Hartington white stilton is better than chocolate, yes.
Anonymous's picture
1. a correctly used apostrophe
Anonymous's picture
'Hearing from the dentist I don´t need any filling.' *Sniggers like a school boy*
Anonymous's picture
In no particular order: Having spent the last 20 minutes at the computer screen editing and the result being that I have changed the words 'The general direction' to 'This' and that I can't possibly think of a better way to spend my time. Watching 'Will and Grace' with Gary. Kumala wine 'A Confederate General From Big Sur' altogether but especially when they go to the pet shop and it is buy one alligator and get another for a penny. The story 'Landfill' by Dan Rhodes where the character meets a woman at the dump and she is keen on landfill but he draws the picture of the dangers of landfill. The picture is the wonderful thing. The part in Andrew's From The Hip where the big g appears. Lewis Caroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. The drawings of Edward Lear. When on my last shift at 10pm I can pop into Sainsburys on the way home and buy a french stick, tomatoes on the vine, and peas in their pods. When H sits right next to me and then rests his head on my arm.
Anonymous's picture
In no particular order.... 1. A nice long sit in the hot-tub on the deck, at night, in a Colorado snow storm. (Bottle of wine included) 2. A perfectly still mountain lake, the morning myst just rising and a fly-rod in my hand. 3. A perfectly dreadful nightmare. I actually look forward to having nightmares. 4. The smiles of my grandchildren. 5. A really good Harrods Creek fish sandwitch and cold beer. 6. Making one of my Pizza's and everyone fighting over the last piece. 7. Andres Segovia 8. When somebody turns the television off and it wasn't my idea. 9. My daughters home made peanut butter ice cream. 10. The eyes of my lover, during the act, lit only by moonlight.
Anonymous's picture
Oh! Here's one for your satisfaction, fish...fancy me being able to be number one on your list on most marvellous things! Life's good! Oh! That's two,..Oh! Three! *orgasmic*
Anonymous's picture
animals people tetris colour marvellous smells shoes music words bridges bricks as well
Anonymous's picture
Freda! How brilliant... another of my favourite people...


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