Msg for Tony ref Findhorn

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Msg for Tony ref Findhorn

Hi Tony,

Robin Alfred wasn't about last week, but I left him a message on the Park notice board to let him know that you sent your love. Also left the website and what I thought was your email address. Don't know when he'll be back though.


Anonymous's picture
:-) Yes and no. I had a great time, met a lot of lovely people and went on a walking meditation in the original garden on Saturday morning, but didn't see any giant cabbages - it was lovely though. I did harvest some enormous broad beans and fed them to the oldst horse on the planet, he's 34! luv H PS - The answer is 42.
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
Thankyou! Did you have a good time, find the meaning of life and everything and grow enormous plants in unfeasible locations?
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