erotic short stories
Mon, 2004-11-15 17:00
erotic short stories
hi, i'm interested in tips/hints for erotic stories and how to keep it as a story and not a porographic script. Any ideas or web sites will be handy.
thanks for your time.
Kayleigh 14.
kindly ,i have need to read ur stories ,so send me all stories one by one in your collectin ,i really have its nned for reading ,i m free on myself...thanks and have best compliments.......
These stories are shit.
If you write them it makes you a literary whore.
It makes them human and you a literal bore.
please i need help if any body can read my message,
in my country we cant open illegel sites its not allowed and blocked
and am being crazy to read sex stories all kinds ( incest - bi-shemal-repe
so if any body can help me i will be very greatfull.
there is only one way i think :
sen me stories directly to my email.
please if any body care to help me,
really i need to read sex stories
thank you
ya! this is shit! Do u think any one can masturbate on this story?
A good story...
Should be realistic , rather than a dream. Infact a true incident.
Should have leal life characters
Should narrate what u felt, like scared, horny, tempted etc..
Should be intersting and thrilling to read the next line
May be a few unexpected twists can be added
Should not be dragged, not too much info. But should have good details.
And whenn u come to the final point let the reader njoy what he is waiting for
And last but not least when some one thinks of the story he should be able to masturbate easily ! :-)
I think I am a far better writer than the scrap above.. want one? depends on public demand? :-) Suggestion welcome!
be happy and be joy
I enjoy writing, but most of the time it is "clean" stories. To be versatile, I hope to get some tips on how to buid the the feelings to the stage of arousal.
I am quite imaginative, and with your help, perhaps I could achieve wht I desire for.
Thank you.
Tabitha's Secret Dream Of Fantasy
Fall,September 1986
It was a clear blue winding night,the wild wind blow threw my
long dark brown hair. Oh, how the street were silently in buck head
of Atlanta. As I was walking on the side walk, and I knowingest
strange club just settled there on the dark corner of desert street.
It's like a small dark gray creepy mansion like it just came out of
horror movies.
I knew deeply inside my feel kept on telling me to not to go in
there,but,I keeps listening to strange voice wispy to my ear keeps
telling to me to come in,and so I went in. My heart beating like a
loud drum as the man's face looked white as a ghost dress as
bellboy had opening the door for me. As I walks in here, the door
man remain guarding the door. The place was so peeling to me,
dark cold huge club,all the table cloths in black,with punches of
lilting candles flowing allover the room,and the was dressed in a
black and white cloths.
I was stand on top steppe,by spell bound by spellbound by the live
heavy metal band performing on stage. Their looks what brought
me to my attend. There were five young men, four of them has long
light blonds hairs and one long dark
brown hair mustang.
One of the men,who is the leader singer had caught
my attend the most. He was so incredible hot and sexy that I
couldn't his eye was shining threw from
It's was the strangest thing have happiness, first I was cames in
wearing a plain white shirt, baggy blue jean pant, and white pair
of tennis shoes in here. After he had held his hand out along with
wearing red stone charm ring glowing like magic, as he changes
my everyday clothes into a beautiful black lace and red silk gown.
Wearing a sexy black high heel, and pair of black lace gloves.
So, as I've walking down the steppe, passing threw the audience
while all theirs eyes on me,I was shy of course,but, my eye soul had
been charm by the singer.
I got closer to the stage, he walks closer to me, as his green eyes on
the dark beauty. I felt the heat burning up my soul. I felt his hand
on my waistline so smoothly, while my laid on him. After he
finishes singing his last word to his song. He pull me closer to him.
He start having his hand hold the back of my head and bring me
closer to his firing lip.
The kiss was almost forever, I was so deeply in extast, I don't even
knowingest the peoples were watching us kissing in front of them.
And then on, he grasp both of my hands and move down to his
buttock, while during the kiss. He kissing me went on, until it was
for me to wake from my sleep. I have woke up, with my heart
beating so loudly and my body broke out in cold sweat. It is a deep
wet dream, but, is seem so real to me. Because of his loud sweet
scent cames from his body and the taste of his blood from his
The next falling night, I have a deepest dream again that same
club. But, this time was no live band play tonight. Until I saw the
leader again, this time he cames in along without his band. He was
wearing a tight black leather pant, long black jacket and silver
necklace. As he walks around the club, like a hungry lion roaming
around the place looking for fresh blood to take. For me, I just
stood closer to the bar, while saturating at the mirror.
But, he came close where I at. I knew that he was standing behind
me, because I can feels his eyes saturating behind, but, I can't see
his reflection threw. And I have wonder to myself, "How strange,"
I said to myself.
And then by the looks of his cold blooding eyes saturating into
mines. The way he from the other side of the room,him if he
wanting me to fellow him.I left from the bar to fellow him to other
room. When I got here,her vanish into thin air. I felt like I'm in the
funny house, I am been surround by punches of mirrors on every
each walls.
"Where he go," I said to myself. After I have turns my face toward
one of the mirror, he cames up behind me by surprise. He grasp me
by my arm and turn me around facing he. He got closer to me
leaning his hand on the mirror; I couldn't help by smelling his
leather jacket as my soul felt weak. He stiffing neck while slipping
off my black jacket. His flaming lip starting kissing my neck as he
opening up my blouse. He gives me a deep kiss I never forget
it. The way he remove my black jacket and spread it on the ground,
and lying me easy on to the ground way my jacket is lying at. He
starting sliding off my red silk thong off of me, and then start
getting on top of me. He kept kissing all over of me while sticky his
manhood inside of me, ''Oh,yes," I shout it. I feel so sensation I
have to grasp held the back of his jacket. While pumping inside of
me making groan as while held my eye close. I didn't knowingest
that his eyes turn red as blood. "Who are you," I said to him. That
his long sharp fang biting down to my neck and screaming the
sound of pain as I held on to
his jacket very tight.
In my third dark dream, by the taste of his blood made me
travelings back in time in 1786. That same I had been haunted my
dreams, the first found out that he was world class famous traveler
musician. That he had fells madly in love the Queen, named
Arlene. No wonder he kept shown up in my dream because the
Queen's face looks like mine. Until that one night, they was lying in
the bed by fire making burning passion to each else. She had on
blue see threw gown hanging off of her,she was topless. He was so
busy stroking her hair and groaning carrying on because the
Queen had his manhood sucking in her mouth while having his two
finger rubbing between her back of her legs. Until her king and his
three guards has march to the door by surprise. The King was so
angry that he pointing his at him, "Take the musician and threw
him to the dungeon,'' he command them. I knew then on by of the
Queen shout out his name, "Apical," as the two men drag him
away. Left her in the room with the King and one guard remain
here. She knew by the looks of the King's face that her life is over.
So, he took a raze off her dresser went closer to her with it.
That she was frighting of him, she shook her head,she pleasing
with him. He call out to the guard, hold her down," he said, while
the guard hold her tightly under his arm while the king grasp her
hold to her hair by forced. "You slut," and splashes her throat so
deeply to her vein guard grasp her, the king take of hair,
"You,slut," and went down to the floor. Her blood leaking from her
vein leaking down to the floor.
I woke up in shocked, I couldn't believe that in my dream is about
three hundred year- old musician. And I stood here in his past
liked I was really here. That the man wouldn't dare meant his
named, and I'd found out from my third dream.
And this time I wasn't dreaming, he had flown into my window
and give to me, for understand about him.
He takes me by my hand and flown away in to the night with him.
He no longer lives in a eternally life alone, and as I'm no longer in
a mortal life alone, so the dark dream has brought us together by
weird twist of faith. The kiss from my dreams was no mortal kiss,
because I been Kiss By A Vampire._
please can you send me stories to my email directly
really i will be very greatfull
i want to read some erotic short sexy sotries
Well, firstly does the "14" refer to your age? If it does, you won't be able to access the more explicit stories on this site, but if you select "Public Gallery" on the front page then, under "Browse By Genre" select "Erotica" you might find some good stories which hopefully will be the kind you want to write, especially any which have been "picked by the editors".
Hello there. Theres a website called and those guys focus purely on erotic literature....hence the namehaha. Tips for writing erotica? Hmmm...depends what angle youre shooting from so to speak.
As far as I'm concerned a good erotic story has first to have the kind of pre-requisites that make a good short story of any kind:
- believable, original characters that the reader can identify with, who act in keeping with their character
- a recognisable plot - i.e. the action leads somewhere and issues or conflicts arise and are dealt with
- convincing setting
- technically good writing - accurate in spelling and grammar, descriptive but devoid of cliche and flowery prose which doesn't advance the story
I'm sure this isn't an exclusive list.
Most "erotic" writing falls down on the above, either because the writer wants to hurry up and get to the intimate action or because he/she thinks the reader wants to. Where you take it from there's up to you, but I'm always looking for some new angle (so to speak) which hasn't been flogged (so to speak).
Is this the thread that Canadian woman was making such a fuss aboot? Blimey!
Im a bit concerned is the 14 your age???
There are some raunchy writers out there... just read the daniel steel and the like... you will see the difference between the two.
It's one thing writing erotica for the sake of the story to take it forward - but a good editor will not publish if you've written a scene just for the hell of it...
Try getting hold of a copy of 'Adultry for beginners' by Sarah Duncan, this is written in my opinion for the young to middle aged bored house wife...(I'd like to clarify I read this purely for the exercise and is neither of the above.)
Take my advice - trust me I've been there and tried it. On my latest work I was told to take a sex scene out - even though it was important to take the story on to a next generation. no need for it, most people these days know where babies come from... unless of course you writing sci fi...
send me erotic stories
Does anyone know of any good books/websites to find erotic stories?
email me
Hi there.
Are you looking at short erotic stories or longer book type,
I am a 32 year old married Bi fem, and i write about experiances (with a little extra) the imaginetion is the best storie teller, let it run away with you.
Love V.
Or try our old employee, Emily Dubberley's site:
I want to study erotic short story. Please send me or inform me about it.
I am trying to get onto web site, as I read some grest erotic stories, but now am havng trouble getting back on. Am I typing name properly? Thanks
I think it's, there is a site as well but that appears to offer serious porn.
thanks for the link neil. :)))
i would like to receive erotic short stolries in my email daily.
with regards,
john gloomy
f?-$takes the same form as other writing. There's no mystery attached. If you're interested in the short story form, have a browse through the Writers' & Artists' Yearbook (stocked by all decent bookshops) for details of publishing outlets. Get hold of the publishers' guidelines, read a couple of their mags to get a feel for the type of material they like, then go for it! :-))