building a bonfire on the beach by purplehaze

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building a bonfire on the beach by purplehaze

'In English' was one of the first pieces i read when i joined abc and i was amazed by the authors skill - well i think it just gets better. It is the real care shown to every word in every sentence that makes this writing stand out.

'Gulls buffeted to stationary positions in the sky, '

that is such a sharp image.

I have to confess some of the words in the first para are not familiar to me - so i am off to find the dictionary.

I beautifully constructed story that is real pleasure to read again and again.


Juliet beats me to it again...I might be quick enough to flag one of these days. This piece is brilliant, Purplehaze you have the ability to take something so ordinary and turn it into a work of art. I particularly liked 'a grandiose pasadoble where someone is bound to get bowled over' and the line that Juliet noted. I could almost imagine being stood watching. Just one small niggle, are toing and froing supposed to have these - in, to-ing, fro-ing, hmmm still doesn't look right so maybe not. Anyway another great read yet again from you thanks.
thanks very much for your kind comments H


Ah, In English, one of the only pieces I have bookmarked, and yet again you ut out another story of such grace. Bravo Purplehaze.

Give me the beat boys and free my soul! I wanna getta lost in ya rock n' roll and drift away. Drift away...

Purplehaze has such a gift of describing the ordinary in a fresh and original way, that opening paragraph surely draws you in. I didn't think the closing paragraph was quite as good though, fire/love metaphors have been done so often it didn't have the impact for me. But the scene-setting is superb.
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