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What a breathtaking read, if not read well worth a look.

Thanks mate! Appreciate your input...this is not an easy read & I know some people might be offended by its premise.
This was really good - Do you think some would be offened by it? I wasn't - it was well written.
First let me thank you for your kind words. Well Sky, let me put it like this, not all but much of my fiction usually has a spiritual element integrated into the storyline, regardless of genre. It is something that just happens, perhaps more a reflection of who I am rather than anything done on purpose. I have never tried to beat anybody over the head with my beliefs.. .Having said that I concede that some people hate what I write & thats ok, because I don't believe that I or anyone else has a monopoloy on the truth. I just try to be true to my own heart & let my muse take me where it will.
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