Writing Industries Conference

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Writing Industries Conference


If you are a writer interested in being published, you might be interested in the second Writing Industries Conference being held at Loughborough University on 6th March 2010. Hope to see you there.



Writing Industries Conference 2010
Saturday 6th March 2010, Loughborough University
A Literature Network, Writing East Midlands
and Loughborough University project.
Twitter #wic2010


The Writing Industries Conference 2010 is now open to applications for 1-2-1 meetings with agents and editors. Writers will have the chance to present their work in fiction, creative non-fiction and spoken word. A limited number of 1-2-1s are available and only ticket holders to WIC 2010 may apply. 1-2-1 meetings are available with:

Lorella Belli, Lorella Belli Literary Agency http://www.lorellabelliagency.com/
Ollie Munson, Blake Friedmann, Literary TV and Film Agency http://www.blakefriedmann.co.uk/
Alan Mahar, Tindal Street Press http://www.tindalstreet.co.uk/
Sarah Ellis, Apples and Snakes http://www.applesandsnakes.org/
James Wills, Watson, Little Ltd http://www.watsonlittle.com/
John Berlyne, Zeno Agency Ltd http://www.zenoagency.com/
Jane Finigan, Lutyens & Rubinstein Literary Agency http://www.lutyensrubinstein.co.uk

For guidelines and details on how to apply please see: http://writingindustries.com/1-2-1-guidelines/

WIC 2010 will bring together writers from across the East Midlands and professionals from the writing industries to share knowledge, develop skills and forge new contacts. 200 writers from the region will have the opportunity to hear from and meet with professionals from the writing industries in a variety of settings:

• Agents and editors in one-to-one sessions with selected writers, giving advice and support in their area of expertise.

• Panel discussions exploring specific areas of writing, from breaking into commercial publishing to working in the community.

• Writing industries fair featuring stalls from local publishers, funders and other organisations involved with the writing industries.

• And of course there will be plenty of opportunity to meet and talk with other writers over a coffee.
