The Girl - by Jennifer (Pickup)

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The Girl - by Jennifer (Pickup)

Well, the little scrap about the cherries attracted to me to your work - I just read 'The Girl'

No - it didn't have a cherry

But it was a very good poem - you looking back at her (your mother?) in the hospital bed - you could see the girl that was still in her

I remember a similar feeling when my mother was in the hospital - dying - I remember walking up while the nurse was attending to her personal needs - I didn't announce my presence - I just walked away until the nurse was through - but I saw the look on my mother's face - pouty - like a little girl, who didn't like what life was dishing out.

Thanks for a good read - I liked the poem.

Carly :-)

Anonymous's picture
Wow!!!! I can't believe I have a discussion on one of my poems!! That one is one of the best I've written - thankyou very much for the praise - both of you!! (better than cherries!!) J
Queen Cotessa
Anonymous's picture
'Twas a pleasure - Bobby McGee is Queen Carly's cat, by the way
Bobby McGee
Anonymous's picture
Anybody else read this? I thought it was good too. Almost as good as Carly - heh! heh! Good job, Jennifer! :-)
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