Excellent Piece of Work

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Excellent Piece of Work

jan nunn (jan123) - Want You

This poem is passionate and well written. I wish I could have told you there; in a sense I did... with a "5"... nice work!

Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
I read half of it. It didn't turn me on. It didn't even repulse me. It just bored me. It's a very insignificant piece of writing.
Tara Eghie
Anonymous's picture
Paul, Ta ra chuck.
Mullet's Doctor
Anonymous's picture
Keep running Paulie, I'm right behind ya..
Tara Eghie
Anonymous's picture
Yes, it is quite good apart from the two typo's. Seems harsh I know, but given current technology and the use of Bill's spellcheck facility, is it too much to ask that basic wirds are splet corerctly? If you really want to pick up the authour you could laways try eamil chuck. tara
Anonymous's picture
Sorry tara; my mistake... obviously I don't understand the basics of this site at all... Once I thought it was open to post our best works... and I was wrong. Now I screwed up and actually sought to offer praise in the public forum, and to alert the other members to a quality piece of writing... Guess that's wrong too... Makes me wonder just why this site is even here...
Anonymous's picture
Well said Paul!
Anonymous's picture
You will have to excuse me, I have not been on here for some months now, but was Tara joking with her last comment? If not, then this site has indeed fallen into bad hands! No wonder I wiped all my stuff from it a while ago. I'm too paranoid to enter any new work now in case it gets ripped to bits!!! Hello everyone by the way! Linsi x
Anonymous's picture
Hello Linsi, Just to explain..there has been a bit of a shindig going on over recent weeks, err.., i mean discussion.., about freedom of speech, and it all started because this psycho above, Paul Mallett, wanted the world to see his psycho mind at work and couldn't then understand why this web site refused to show it the respect it thought it deserved. I haven't read the piece but have read enough about it to understand that it is nothing more than an overlong and unreasonably graphic depiction of the torture of a woman..there's more, but i can't be bothered..suffice to say that this psycho thinks women enjoy being mutilated...in addition to being a violent woman-hating madman he is completely stupid, has no appreciation of irony or subtext or anything else literary, is humourless, vindictive and, it is said, all his relatives from Hicksville are called either Billy-Jo or Bobby-Jo and they look exactly the same as him. In short, a creepy pornographer of the worst kind..
Anonymous's picture
Jesus Fucking Christ you just don't give up do you... but hey, at least you admit I have human relatives, not like the fucking jackals I've found here... Of course I don't expect a bunch of closet-bound, homosexual mongrels to be able to breed, so at least there's that to comfort me... You, my ignorant friend, have once more proven just what is wrong with "your lot"... you go by "what you have heard" not what you have experienced for yourself... This whole site is pretty much proving itself to be nothing more than a place where those of limited talent can band together to try to lambaste somebody who dares show some originality or the courage to cross some antiquated line... I promised that I would not discuss Torturing Tanya again, but... @!#$ It... you assholes don't want to leave well enough alone... I've tried to acquiesce to your limited perspective, post only kid-friendly stuff so as to not overwhelm your immature psyche's... even resorted to a piece of sports commentary so as to not even stumble onto some "double-entendre" that might corrupt your innocent, inexperienced minds... Linsi, the story in question, Torturing Tanya DID deal with a woman being tortured... she was betrayed by her estranged husband and the woman was in fact based on a woman I know... who's estranged hubby HAS threatened to kill her... While my story went to extremes so as to not be the "same old same old", it also delved into some of the "why's" something like this might happen... and carried with it the ultimate happy ending where Tanya escaped the worst part of the intended torture and got rescued... all three of her tormentors met horrible fates... and she was reunited with the man she loves... Unfortunately these butt-wipes have, to borrow a verse from the Scriptures, swallowed the camel and choked on the gnat... IF you... or anybody... cares to go to where this all began, Tony Snow started the original discussion in a thread simply titled "Torturing Tanya", and he admitted the story was well written; but he also pulled it and invited the wolves to attack it... I was invited by him to defend it and I did so; these pseudo-nazi's attempted to not only prevent it from being resubmitted here; which it has not even though it is a better piece of work than 90% of what's here... but then they tried to have it pulled from other sites... For your information, it's available in it's original serialized format at http://www.thoughcafe.co.uk (dispelling the lie that it is against UK law... I have been assured by the editors at that site that my story and all my other writing is welcome... and most of my "better works" are there... I'm not wasting too much of my talent here... although I did post the new piece on "America's Pastime"... the plight of a rookie pitcher who could not for the life of him find the strike zone... And now we return to our regularily scheduled phorum of hot air...
Caesar Bono
Anonymous's picture
the edge
Anonymous's picture
You wont find it at www.thoughcafe.com though. Linsi, welcome back. Get your stuff up, you're way more talented than this inbreed. We missed you. Hows the house going?
David Floyd
Anonymous's picture
I'm not particularly keen to defend someone who uses 'homosexual' as an insult however, I don't think Paul really deserves the liberal doses of vitriol he's received in this thread. I read one section of Torturing Tanya. It was well-written but given the subject matter, I decided not to read the rest. As a consenting adult I'm confident in my ability to take that decision for myself and for others to do the same. An important function of writing is for people to express the contents of the dark recesses of their mind and show in fiction, things wouldn't do in real life. The fact that Paul does this doesn't make him any more of a psycho than thousands of other writers who do the same. The argument about whether some writing is so disturbing that it shouldn't be read is valid and important one but I can't see the point of pelting the writer with crude insults.
Anonymous's picture
What really tickles me, David, is that these supposed bastions (or is that bastards?) of society and morality have not only resorted to continued insults and such long after I offered peace, but they are now creating "secret identities"... hiding in the shadows in their taudry little raincoats like they accuse me of while I have allowed my identity to be posted from day one... on the story and in this forum... because unlike them I am proud of every damned word I write... I need not hide nor fear the reproach of those who are beyond reproach... I stand amazed that they would be continually guilty of that which they accuse me of... But then group delusions are common among those who have the misconception that they are creative-types, are they not? Why should theirs then surprise me? I have one identity... I write MANY types of story... And by the way, I use "homosexual" only as a "broad-brush", much like those who attack me assume I must have some "Billy Bob's" in my family somewhere simply because I am from the States... Sorry for any decent, upstanding members of the "alternate-sexual-lifestyle" who are offended... but in reality, based on the closed-mindedness I've seen here, I doubt any of them are welcome either! Ta Ta...
Anonymous's picture
Are the relentless bickering and insults. Its boring. Its not funny. And posting great swathes of your writing on the threads is proving nothing Paul.. people simply wont read it. I get the impression of people (you included) stamping their feet, determined to be "the last word" on the matter. Its so dreary now. Just post writing in the sets, thoughts on the threads, and be done. Surely nobody finds this illuminating? Its like reading the same article over and over again. Its degenerating into worse and worse insults... i find them more offensive than anything ive ever read in the abc sets, quite frankly. if you disapprove of the way that abctales operates, why do you (or anyone that thinks its s.hite) continue to showcase your work here? Now I'm off to bed for some shut eye. night all.
Anonymous's picture
yes, i'm so bored with it too. The truth is, he likes it here, and that's why he keeps coming back. There's always one arrogant annoying fool on every messageboard, and this kid is ABC's. Not fuelling his pathetic rants by replying would be the best strategy to disinterest him, and then he'll go and bother someone else. I hope.
Anonymous's picture
because he is obstinant and self-centered! he thinks he wrote something genuine well I might as well think of a genuine torture and write it down! why does he write about "Tanyas" and not about abused children in poor countries? why doesn't he write about the mutilations performed on innocent little creatures in many countries all over the world that are then sold to work as beggars in more rich countries? why doesn't he write of thousands of women that are being killed because the family didn't want to have any more female members in certain countries? why doesn't HE WRITE ABOUT ALL THE WOMEN IN THE WORLD THAT ARE BEING TORN SO AS TO GIVE BIRTH TO A CHILD WHY DOESN'T HE DESCRIBE THE MIRACLE OF LIFE INSTEAD OF THE ABOMINABLE IMAGES OF TORTURE? HAS HE EVER WATCHED THE BIRTH OF HUMAN BEING HAS HE SEEN THE SUFFERING OF WOMEN WHEN THEY BRING A NEW LIFE IN THE WORLD? HAS HE? no he hasn't, he just made a frivolous stupid story with no reason to begin with and none whatsoever to end it with a disturbed female character and sick male! this is not the picture of the world the picture of the world is a lot worse and a lot braver than his!
Anonymous's picture
and Linsi abctales is the pioneer respect that. I know what you mean and I respect your feelings. I believe that abctales will rectify all its mistakes and make amends for many things... I think that it loves us and I think that we all love it. I suggest to abctales not to change. Keep the rating system keep the cherries... the mistake that abc would now do is to try to emulate the system of other sites... abc was the site from which inspiration is drawn... I dont'think that any other site wants to take its place! just find more editors, give more cherries, make the system of rating with more alternative rates and don't permit somebody to rate something more than one time. since the site is getting bigger and bigger so the chances to be read here are getting lesser why not permit 4 abc collections to each artist? that way we won't upload the stupid items we all did in order to prove more prolific than the others....... with respect Divided we are being ruled United we are governors! CHEERS!!
Anonymous's picture
a correction here... my mistake ... abused children exist in all countries... I wanted to say there are certain usually underdeveloped and poor countries that are centres of child prostitution where tourists that seek perverted sexual intercourse visit them and molest children.
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
I've been following these threads for quite a while with interest, although as I didn't read "Torturing Tanya" had decided until now to reserve commenting. But a couple of Paul's comments have caught my eye: "This whole site is pretty much proving itself to be nothing more than a place where those of limited talent ....." "[Torturing Tanya] is a better piece of work than 90% of what's here." Limited talent? In whose opinion, Paul? Better than 90% of the work here? Again, in whose opinion? And if the answer to those two questions is yourself, what do you base that judgement on? I'm just curious.
Old Bloke On Bus
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
"the fucking jackals I've found here... Of course I don't expect a bunch of closet-bound, homosexual mongrels to be able to breed ... assholes ... butt wipes" ...????? i started to read the piece in question before all this furore blew up ... i have watched the debate from a safe distance ... i made my points early on ... now i want to say that this is all going too far ... whatever credibility paul MAY have had as a writer with a grievance is now completely nullified by his insulting behaviour ... anyone who joins in these slanging matches is wasting their time and it is all thoroughly annoying ... please stop it and use this forum for what it was intended for ... the discussion of writing from the site ... not pointless obscenities ...
The Editor Of T...
Anonymous's picture
The Queen Mum has just spoken.
Dail Maily Reader
Anonymous's picture
y oh y do I read this trash y rag?
Anonymous's picture
quite right. for those of you who are newcomers, and haven't yet learned abc etiquette, it is customary for the real slagging off to go on in the General Discussion Forum. those of us who inhabit the Discuss Writing Forum are plain, quiet folk, and have no use for insults.
Anonymous's picture
It seems to me you need a negotiator - arbitration might suggest both sides sticking to guidelines and boundaries. Mr Omelette may need to reassess where his postings go and accept particular site rules and I think others might need to stick to criticising the work and not the author. The scriptwriter of Boxing Helena or Seven may have written about subject matter I find difficult and probably would not write about, but I can respect the fact that they are exploring the dark side of human desires through fiction; be it of control, manipulation or sadism. They're not journalistis reporting social issues and it can't be assumed because of the content they are sick sadists themselves. And even if they might be it's the work that's up for scrutiny. ..awaits the slaughter of the innocent...
ely whitley
Anonymous's picture
why does this have to happen? we start with a perfectly nice gesture by Paul. This is responded to by Tara in a good enough natured way with a suggestion that he could elaborate on his appreciation by e-mail direct to the author. ALL SWELL SO FAR then all hell breaks loose and we're wallowing in a quagmire of ass wipes and Billy Bob's and hootenannies (not true I just like the word). What's been said is more than enough on any subject and we've ALL had more than enough time and space to show any feelings we may have. I think we should put it all behind us and just judge each piece, or even comment, on it's own merits. If Paul puts more work up then I'd like to think we'd be mature enough to just say if we like it or not and not worry about previous work.
Anonymous's picture
Ah, Hovis... nice try, but you couldn't resist the dig... calling for peace and a negotiator/arbitor while flinging one last rotten egg, so to speak, with the intentional butchering of my name... The fact is; as has been pointed out; THIS thread started as an innocent piece of praise for another author's work... It was quickly proven to me that though this is a discussion forum on writing at abc, there is really no place for discussion on writing at abc... this is a place where those who lack the courage to attack people in person do so in the comfort of the shadows of such a place as this... calling names and throwing insults from behind the added safety of aliases to their aliases... a pretty pathetic and cowardly display, but then it's pretty much what I've come to expect from the supposed majority here... Ely, I tried your angle too... I've posted many more pieces of work, items that should prove far less controversial; but you see, those who are so dedicated to the politics of such personal destruction don't want to read that... they'd rather come here, post their tripe, and then run away and change aliases again so they can come back and not really have to worry that they might be discovered... If you went by the aliases, you'd need a scorecard to know the players, but when you go by the wording and the formation of their sentence structures; even the poor grammar and spelling... you see that the "angry mob" is but a small handful of people trying to sound and look like a much bigger group... The real tragedy is that the true majority at abctales is allowing this small, cowardly lot speak for them... oh, sure, they occasionally speak up and say... "now, now, can't we play nice?"... but they regretably fear the local nazi's far more than they fear what the local nazi's stand for... I could say it's over... but I won't because I know it's not... one or two of these misbegotten fools will try to stir things up more... probably create another few ingenious names and add fuel to the fire... They will shout loudly that they are trying to extinguish the raging flame but will be spraying gasoline (petrol) and not water (h2o)... :-) Happy Monday to All...
Anonymous's picture
did anyone know that banging your head against a brick wall uses 125 calories an hour? looking forward to being a size 6 at this rate.
Anonymous's picture
Yes, Mullet Omelette, i must take the credit for both Joan of Arc and Doctor Bobby-Jo Hicks.. I've never called myself a nazi 'though, might try it sometime. "Nazi" "Nazi" No, didn't really do anything for me. Anyway, i've had fun, thanks everyone..off on me hols.
Caesar Bono
Anonymous's picture
good post ely ... it identifies who started the mud slinging in this thread quite nicely. I thought tara made a good point too. she said the piece was good but pointed out a couple of basic typo's. Jan 123 might correct the piece now and it will be even better. Shame that Paul then went into ICBM mode. perhaps he has lost the edge. I haven't. I know exactly where he is.
Anonymous's picture
Author: tan63 (---.proxy.aol.com) Date: 04-07-02 22:28 Hello Linsi, Just to explain..there has been a bit of a shindig going on over recent weeks, err.., i mean discussion.., about freedom of speech, and it all started because this psycho above, Paul Mallett, wanted the world to see his psycho mind at work and couldn't then understand why this web site refused to show it the respect it thought it deserved. I haven't read the piece but have read enough about it to understand that it is nothing more than an overlong and unreasonably graphic depiction of the torture of a woman..there's more, but i can't be bothered..suffice to say that this psycho thinks women enjoy being mutilated...in addition to being a violent woman-hating madman he is completely stupid, has no appreciation of irony or subtext or anything else literary, is humourless, vindictive and, it is said, all his relatives from Hicksville are called either Billy-Jo or Bobby-Jo and they look exactly the same as him. In short, a creepy pornographer of the worst kind.. THIS was the post that got things started again... if you're going to bother "telling it like it is", please tell it like it is... But then truth and honesty really aren't your cup of tea now, are they?
Shaw Taplanks
Anonymous's picture
>>> Author: paulmellette (---.proxy.aol.com) Date: 04-07-02 19:16 Sorry tara; my mistake... obviously I don't understand the basics of this site at all... Once I thought it was open to post our best works... and I was wrong. Now I screwed up and actually sought to offer praise in the public forum, and to alert the other members to a quality piece of writing... Guess that's wrong too... Makes me wonder just why this site is even here... <<< no ... the above is what started it ... and 'buggar' is actually spelt 'bugger' by the way. don't worry paul we will tire of teasing you soon and your posts will become unanswered (as they already are apart from a few amongst several thousand contributors) but, just for now ... keep 'em coming ... they are sooo hilarious.
Anonymous's picture
hovis has left the arena.
Nowt Taken Out
Anonymous's picture
Poor Hovis must be browned off.
Anonymous's picture
The Chair (Oh yeah, only read if you're of a legal age folks!) The television is on and I press the play button on the remote control. You snuggle up against me on the sofa as we watch the “world premiere” of “The Chair.” As is the case of my fantasies as well, you are the star of this production. You know part of what happened during the filming... only now are you learning the rest of the story... There are not credits; this is a video just for us. We know who the star is and who wrote the production. Background music, if needed, can be recorded from our stereo. We watch and I can feel your heartbeat quicken and your breathing getting heavier as you prepare to see yourself in a situation that until now only I had seen you... ***** “I think I want you to really do it,” you had said to me a few weeks earlier. “Uh... really do exactly what?” I had asked, unsure of what you meant. “You know,” was your reply, “something... I don’t know... something extreme...” “Extreme?” “Yeah. And different.” “That covers potentially a lot of ground,” I answered with a slight smile. “And I know exactly what kind of ground your sick little mind is covering right not,” you said with a twinkle in your eyes. “So give me a clue.” “Nope. You’re the writer, you’re the guy with the kinky fantasies. Make one up and make it happen.” “Restrictions?” “None,” you said. “No, wait... you have to film it and we have to watch it later...” ***** And so here we are, a week after the fact of the incident. I was nervous as hell but I did take a chance. I did something I never thought I would and took you to a place you never expected to go. The risk factor for both of us was exhilarating and yet I know that I am unlikely to go that route again. The risk was indeed too much; having tasted it we both know that the role-play will be a better choice for the next time... and I’m sure, based on the end result, that there will be a next time for this game... I feel your hand as it rests lightly on my thigh and your head as you lay it on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around you and pull you closer to me. You allow your fingers to drag across my thigh and your hand is resting then on my crotch. You can feel the erection beneath my jeans and you realize that watching this with you is as hot for me as it is for you... ***** You were dressed in blue jeans and a white cotton shirt. You stood barefoot near the closet as you wrestled with which shoes to wear. It was to be a quiet Saturday and we had slept in after a night of frolicking very late in the bed. The house was ours and ours alone for the weekend so the timing was perfect. I had already prepared all my props and as you faced the closet I entered the room. If you had looked closely, you would have noticed that the “record” light was on and the video camera that I had set conveniently on the dresser the night before was filming us. But of course, you were concerned with which shoes to wear. “Need any help?” I asked you as I stood behind you. “No,” you answered and picked up a pair of white sneakers from the shoe rack, “I’m just going to put these on.” “Don’t bother,” I said as you walked past me. Quickly with one fluid motion I pulled the syringe from my pocket, flicked the rubber tip off with my thumb, and plunged the needle into your firm ass. You gasped and yelped slightly as the fluid burned into your bloodstream. Before you could turn around, however, I wrapped my are around your neck from behind and pulled you close to me... and whispered into your ear... “Smile for the camera baby; the game has begun...” ***** I could feel you jump slightly beside me as you watched yourself being injected with the sedative. Your hand gripped my cock a little tighter and I was glad you had the shaft and not the sac at that particular moment. “The look on your face is priceless baby,” I said. “You mean then or now?” your replied. “Well, both I guess. Remember this is the first time I’ve seen your face during this scene too...” “I was sooo shocked,” you admitted to me. “Well you knew something was coming...” “Yeah,” you said, “but I didn’t know what or when!” ***** I had chosen this particular sedative because of it’s fast acting properties. I knew it would tranquilize you quickly and keep you under for a couple of hours. Plenty of time for me to play and then to prepare the “real surprise”... I held you from behind and forced you to stay facing the camera. We now can sit and watch your eyes go from wide with surprise to wider with fear... of the unknown... to droopy as you struggle to stay conscious. We can also hear you gasp and moan and speak in shock... “Oh... oh my God... you really did it! Ohhhh... oh my GOD... what are you going to do?” “Just sleep my sweet,” I suggest, “and know that you’re in good hands...” At that point I felt your knees buckle and I caught you under the arms and guided you toward the bed. I let you flop forward onto the mattress and after your upper body falls I drag you farther up so that your entire body is on the bed. I roll you over onto your back and watch your face for a moment. I check you pulse and you eyes. Your pulse is strong but you are definitely unconscious. I grab the camera from the dresser and begin to video your sleeping body... ***** “This is so cool,” you whisper as you watch yourself on the television; helpless and at my total and complete mercy. “Yeah, it was pretty cool for sure,” I agreed “Whatever I see you do here I’m going to make you do again,” you told me, “so I can be awake to enjoy it.” “Deal baby,” I smiled at you. ***** With the camera now back on a stand, I move to the sweet task of unveiling my prize. I quickly and expertly unfasten you jeans and wrestle them from your body. The sight of your bare legs and feet cause my mouth to water. I know I have plenty of time and yet I can not wait to begin to ravish them. I pull your thong down and off as well, leaving the entire lower half of your body naked and exposed to me... and the camera... I lean down and gently kiss your pubic hair; it is still damp and fragrant from your recent shower. I allow my tongue to trail along the lips of your pussy and then begin to work my way down your right leg. My lips and my tongue and my hands savor the sweetness of kissing and licking and stroking your leg as I continue on my succulent journey. When I get to your foot, I hold it up and bury my face against it. My nose is in the crevice of your toes and my mouth and tongue are working over your arch. I am breathing deeply and begin to rub your foot all over my face. I grasp your left and begin to work the pair of them at the same time. ***** I am surprised as you ask me to pause the tape, but I do so quickly. You slide away from me slightly and turn to face me. You prop your feet up on my lap and kind of move them around against my crotch. “I’ve never seen you so aggressively go after my foot before,” you tell me. “Yeah, well for a moment I forgot I was going to have an audience.” “But still, I’m not sure I see what you see there...” “You know baby, I’ve tried for a long time to figure that out,” I confess to you, “and the only thing I’ve figured out is that I’m tired of trying to figure it out! I like it; I don’t know why; but instead of trying to escape the things I like, it’s time to embrace them...” “Well,” you smile as you gently brush you foot across my cheek, “if you like it big guy, I’m all for it...” ***** Having now removed my own clothing, I stand over your prone body; my erection gently bouncing in the air with each pulse from my rapidly-beating heart. I lean down and delicately kiss your lips. Then I begin to unbutton your shirt and pull it open to expose your soft belly and your firm breasts. I kneel on the bed over you and raise you to a sitting position. I finish removing the shirt and I unfasten your bra to expose those wondrous orbs of flesh that so enrapture me. I bend down and begin to kiss them and as I lay your back onto the bed, I allow my hands to begin to massage them and to work them over. My mouth and my hands fully explore your body for the better part of 30 minutes. Part of that time you are laying on your back and part you are rolled over to lay on your stomach. Your back and your buns and the back of your legs get extra-special attention... And then I roll you back onto your back. I force a pillow under your ass and kneel before you on the bed. My cock is still jumping into rhythm and I glide it into your moist and hot pussy. Normally the tighter and the more friction the better for intercourse, but in this instance I find the slackness of your yielded body to be an incredible high. I thrust and push and slam my cock in and out of your pussy with an urgency that until now you had not witnessed in my lovemaking before. The difference in this one time is simply that I have nobody else to fulfill or to please. ***** I am startled at the sight of the aggressive and urgent manner in which I fucked you pussy while you were unconscious. I feel a slight flush come over my face and I look at you nervously from the corner of my eye. I see that you have your hand slid inside your pants and I can see the movement of your fingers as you work your clit over. I press pause and suggest that maybe we should retire to the bed... or maybe just right here... and satiate our current hunger before we go any farther with the video... and you quickly agree... ***** I had wondered just how you would react at watching yourself being used. We had discussed it many times and you had agreed to try it although you had expressed concern about not being able to enjoy the show... and we had agreed that I would not only film the adventure for our personal viewing pleasure, but I had promised to at another time work you through everything I did while you were unconscious... at a time you could either fake the state of unawareness... passively enjoy the attention... or if you chose you could be an active participant and we would modify the scenario as necessary... Certainly I was surprised at just how exciting the events were to you... and you knew what was coming next now and still was hot. It amazed me and pleased me and made me as hot as it seemed to make you... I dropped to my knees before you and unfastened your pants and slid them down you sexy legs... and allowed your legs to rest on my shoulders and buried my face against your pussy... my tongue working over your already engorged clit... your sweet juices soaking my beard as my face pressed hard against you and you ground yourself against it... ***** After helping you to achieve a bone-jarring orgasm, you pulled away and curled up on the sofa. You motioned for me to sit next to you and you propped your feet in my lap. You pressed the play button as I lovingly massaged your bare soles and toes and we watched the next scene of the video... ***** With you still slumbering, naked on the bed, I began to bring the pieces of equipment I had devised into the room... The first piece was the base... what looked like a stool... wide sturdy legs and a wooden seat. Part of the seat was covered in a plush fabric and part was bare wood... in the bare wood, near one edge of the seat was a large hole. The legs had large wheels, casters, with heavy locks. I rolled the base to the edge of the bed and locked the wheels into place. I then wrapped my arms around your legs and dragged you across the bed sheets so that your ass was positioned on the fabric part of the seat. I lowered your legs to the ground and then brought the camera to a close up shot of you and the beginnings of the chair. Zooming in on your nakedness... exploring and panning each inch of your flesh with the camera turned me on... but I had gotten the relief I wanted for now... I was into phase two of this particular game... I replaced the camera in a position so that it was facing the chair directly... at this moment it was zeroed in on your pussy... and the sticky-white fluid that was leaking from it... I opened a drawer and pulled out several pre-cut lengths of cotton rope. I then knelt next to the legs of this contraption and began to tie your ankles to them... I did so in such a way that the sole of your foot was at a 45 degree angle, although you would be able to move it if you so chose... for now... After securing both ankles I moved to your knees and bound them to the legs as well... tight enough and using enough rope that I was certain you would not pull free. Bringing in the next section, I tossed the back onto the bed and then taking you by the arms, lifted you into a sitting position... and allowed you to lean against me while I reached behind you and clicked the slotted back into position... Once I had the back of the chair in place, I allowed you to lean back against it. Your head lolled back across the top of if and I quickly lashed a rope around your waist and another around you just beneath your breasts, securing you to the hard wooden frame. I leaned down and kissed your lips slightly and then lowered your head so it hung against your chest and moved for the next pieces of the puzzle. Snapping the arms into position I then pulled a bag of nuts and bolts from another drawer and began to secure all the pieces into position... and then bound each of your arms to the arm rests... at the wrist and at the elbow... For the last piece of bondage I uncoiled another length of rope and wrapped it around your chest, just above your breasts, and secured you once more against the back of the odd chair-like device. Then to complete the bondage-ensemble I pulled a roll of duct tape from under the bed and tore off a length and placed it across your mouth. I repeated the process twice more, each time the length being slightly longer... I was careful to keep it well below your nose so as to not impair your breathing... Content that you were definitely secure, I held the camera on you and again zoomed in for close-ups of your body... the peaceful innocence of your face as you slept, the rise and fall of your breasts... and panning down your belly to your pussy... and then taking in your arms and your hands, your legs and your feet... front and back... so that we had a definitive 3-D image of your constraint... to share later... ***** I could hear your breathing getting heavy as we watched this part. I could feel the incredible erection I had, but to be honest I wasn’t sure how much it was due to the video and how much it was due to the continued contact I had with your feet... and how you were massaging my crotch with one while I massaged the other... “How much longer before I wake up,” you ask. “We’re almost there,” I inform you, “I’m about to roll you into position... and attach the last piece that I did before you woke up.” “Oh... THAT piece,” you said with a kind of an evil-grin. ***** On the video I unfastened the locks on the casters and rolled the chair away from the bed. I left the room for a moment and returned with a large free-standing mirror... and placed it before you so that when you woke up, you would be looking at yourself. Then I carried the video camera behind the mirror and set it up... we are able to see you through the lens of the camera... and the “spy” mirror that I had purchased for this game... Going to the closet, I pull a box from beneath my clothes on the top shelf... and kneel before you and open it. Inside I pull out a large device. It looks a little like a dildo and a little like a large corkscrew... on the video you can see that it is covered at the tip with dozens of soft, hair-like protrusions... and that at the base is a metal plate... I lay on the floor and guide it through the hole in the chair... until the head of this device is right there against you pussy... and I fasten the plate to the bottom side of the chair with four bolts... The large green-gray instrument of today’s torture is there... I adjust it slightly and you slightly so that it is actually touching you... the opening of your pussy... and I guide the head of this device into you... by about an inch... and I flip a switch and turn it on... ***** I cast a sideways glance at you and I see your mouth agape and your eyes wide as you watch this device begin to torment you on video even before you were aware of it’s existence... You finally realize I am watching you and you look at me... “Oh My God,” you say to me, “I can not believe you did that to me.” “Baby,” I explain, “You DID say I should surprise you... and get extreme...” “Well yeah,” you answer, “but I never thought it would be THIS extreme...” “Are you sorry I did?” “Hell no,” you say as you sit up on the couch and wrap your arms around my neck, “I’ll just have to be careful what I say from now on.” “Only ask for what you want sweetness,” I caution you, “because that is what I will always try to give you...” ***** With the device slowly rotating and moving around and around inside your pussy, I can see your breathing increase and I can hear muffled moans from beneath the tape. I can see “activity” beneath your closed eyelids... and then your eyes fly open... You shake your head slightly and look at yourself in the mirror... and with horror at the thing that is working so hard between your legs... I, from behind the mirror, can see your eyes surveying your predicament. They are wide... both with horror and with awe... with fear and with contentment... as the incredible pleasure induced by the motion of the soft-rubber of the corkscrewed vibrator begins to excite your body and cause you to hunger for even more... After a few moments, I can see you stop trying to figure out a way from the invading force that is attacking your pussy... and to figure instead a way to control it... a way to subdue it and make it do what you are wanting it to do now... give you the kind of release that your body has started screaming for... The sight of yourself bound helplessly to this chair... the sensations of this device invading your pussy... the sweet-thrill of being totally at the mercy of this situation... and of me... has inspired your body to betray you. I see your nostrils flare with each rasping inhale and exhale... I hear the rhythmic moans beneath the tape-gag... I see your hips moving desperately to try to capture this thing that has captured you... but leverage is not your friend today... and the sweet torture continues... your pussy being ravaged only a couple of inches deep... the rest of it... and your excited and engorged clit... demanding attention that is unlikely to come... ***** Your hand is between your legs again. You didn’t bother putting your pants back on and I offer to stop the tape... but this time you tell me to let it roll... that you want to see the rest of it and then we will retire for the night... to our bed of passion and a night of lovemaking... I nod my head in agreement because the excitement of the moment has stolen my voice... the lump in my throat from watching you... and your reaction to this experience has reminded me of the depths of our love... and that more than anything else in life can choke me up and bring tears of joy to my eyes... “I love you Tanya,” I tell you. “I know,” you whisper, “And I love you too.” ***** I’m not sure who it seemed longer to, you or I. I was enraptured watching you being tortured so... the device teasing you and taking you up the ladder toward orgasm... but only so far... I’m sure it was a most torturous experience; it was designed to be. The entire intent was to create something so kinky and so hot that would drive you mad with desire to be fulfilled. A pleasure and an anticipation and a total helplessness to get there yourself. Watching you writhe and wiggle in the seat, trying desperately to find a way to get the twisting and turning meat substitute farther inside your drenched pussy was far more exciting than I had expected. Had I not known what I was planning to do next, this would not be happening. But my devotion to you would not allow you an indefinite amount of time to be frustrated... The sweetest part of this torture was that you knew it would end sometime because you knew me... but you had no idea how long it would last... also because you knew me... I watched you and was awestruck at how your body tried to accomplish it’s goal of fulfillment. You moved and bucked and struggled... not for freedom but to impale yourself farther on the device. But the chair held you fast and firm and all you could do was almost pull free of the device... but not quite... and you were careful to not pull too far... because the point had come and passed where you now needed more, not less, of the attention that you were receiving. Your hair was soaked with sweat and plastered to your head and face; perspiration glistened on your sweet body. The flaring of your nostrils as you breathed in and out rigorously grew more dramatic. You were like a wild-woman who had been trapped and tethered inside a small corral. And you were desperate for release... one way or the other... Finally after what seemed forever but in truth had been little more than half an hour I stepped from behind the mirror. Your eyes were wild with desire and they plead with me to help you through this... to relieve your frustration... to unlock you and allow you to find the release you so desperately hungered for... And I was about to comply... sort of... ***** “What were you thinking right then,” I asked you as I pressed the pause button. You have repositioned yourself again so that now it is your head that rests in my lap and your legs are outstretched across the sofa. You turn your head away from the television and look at me. I am struck again by the beauty of your face and of your eyes... and I catch just a hint of the sex-induced madness in them that I saw while you were tied to the chair... “I don’t know,” you started, “I guess I was wondering how you could do this to me... but more than that, I was wondering how I could get more of... that thing... into me...” “That’s pretty much what I thought,” I smiled as I stroked your face. “I guess great minds do think alike...” And with that, you grabbed the remote control back from me and pressed play. You rolled back over and I felt the weight of your head as it lay across my semi-erect cock... and I knew that this was going to be one heluva night... after the video... if we could wait that long... ***** “Well, well, well,” I teased you as I gently stroked your damp skin with my hand. “Mmmpghhgff mmgghmpfffgh,” you mumbled into the tape. I’m sure you thought you were doing more than mumble, but you were pretty near exhausted and weak as a kitten. You didn’t have the energy to actually shout... “Don’t worry sweetheart,” I said as I checked your ropes, “we’re about to get you to where you want to be...” And with that I unscrewed the bolts for the device... removed it from where it was inside you, against your muffled pleas not to... and then reattached it to the chair from the top side of the seat; effectively adding perhaps 2 inches to it’s length... Then I came in with two more small pieces of wood and the corresponding bolts... and mounted them to the rear legs of the chair at an approximately 45 degree angle...positioning them in such a manner as to give you a place to put your feet to gain some manner of leverage when the device was returned to it’s place in your pussy... I reached down and felt the hot wetness of your glistening vagina and the cool dampness of the rubber device... and guided the end of the device back into your pussy... and I pressed the switch for it to begin it’s clockwise motion... There was little noise from my creation but what there was could not be heard over the low moan that emitted from deep within your body... And as a reward I flipped the switch again and the device began to spin faster... ***** “Oh my God,” I heard you mutter as you watched the grand finale of your torture. “Pretty intense, huh?” “That doesn’t even begin to explain this,” you said as you jokingly poke me in the belly with your elbow... ***** Again behind the mirror, I watched you quickly figure out how to best use the invasive “tool” to your advantage... I watched the muscles move in your legs as you used your feet to “steer” your body around the spinning device... and I watched as you figured out how to treat your clit to a massage from it as well... it was not long before I heard you emit a high pitched, feverish whine... rocking your head back and forth violently and spasmodically jerking at your bonds... testing the durability of the chair in the process. I’m happy to say that it worked as designed... and masterfully so...and you achieved one of the most violent orgasms I’ve ever seen or heard of... followed by three more in the next ten minutes... ***** “Wow,” you said as you sat up on the couch. “Uh... does this mean the show’s over?” “Well, pretty much so,” you replied, “I mean, all you did is untie me and help me into the bed...” “You sure about that?” I ask. “OK,” you admit, “after this I’m not sure about anything anymore... except that you never cease to amaze me.” “I aim to please, baby.” “And you do please Baby.” On the television screen I could be seen rolling the chair back to the bed. You might as well have been unconscious again; your head hung down and your breathing was decreasing as I had turned off the device and withdrawn it from you pussy. You were pretty much passed out from exhaustion. Standing before me, you took my hands and I stood to my feet. You looked up at me and smiled and I leaned in for a kiss. “You know, big guy,” you said in a hoarse whisper, “my pussy was pretty sore the next day.” “I remember,” I said with a wink. “So what say we see if you’re man enough to make it that sore again?” “Oh my God Tanya,” I answered with a huge smile, “you still haven’t learned have you? You have got to be careful what you ask me for...” “Oh I’ve learned all right,” you answered as you let your hand grasp my crotch lightly, “this time I’m counting on you making it happen...” (End) Consider this my PARTING GIFT to this limited little group too; I no longer have the time to play due to the fact that I am moving across our glorious country to unite with the woman I love; one who truly understands and appreciates the nuances of my writing and my mind... You blokes can bicker and fight and post your inane insults here; believe me... you're wasting your breath; I have better things to do... more of these incredible stories to write... Ta Ta
Anonymous's picture
paul's gorn!
David Ritchie
Anonymous's picture
"Wonderous orbs of flesh.." ???????? OH, Paul.
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Gosh, how wrong we all were. Clearly this is the work of a genius and sensitive man, who clearly understands when he is told that due to obscenity laws in this country we can't fucking publish this sort of @!#$. Grow up or @!#$ off Paul. And no, I don't think you're sick, or a Nazi, but I think you have used 'freedom of speech' and 'artistic integrity' to hide behind the fact that your writing isn't actually any bloody good and that you are a bad loser who can't handle even a slight amount of rejection. For those desperate to see Paul's work, it is available on almost any writing website you care to look at - he's had more than enough free publicity here. this has been, without a doubt, the most tedious row we have ever had on the forums, and that is saying something.
Anonymous's picture
I don't who the woman he loves is but I hope for her sake she's a masochist or has a high pain threshold. And she won't need much 'understanding' or 'appreciation' either.
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