Judgement Of Solomon?

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Anonymous's picture
Thank christ for that. Can we now resume normal relations?
Anonymous's picture
Ha ha. You put nearly as much though into that as in to your replies about the criminal justice system. A big brother state or elected judges. All within the space of a morning. Now you want to scoff at stupid behaviour, well go ahead, enjoy the fruit of your labours Ely.
Anonymous's picture
Ha ha! If you can call it normal. You know I like you, I do! Come to my arms! Your'e touchy aren't you? Well done - I think more people should be touchy.
Anonymous's picture
We don't wear hoods and hid behind others when we face our enemies. We shoot them point blank and face to face, thank you.
Anonymous's picture
You know a lot of the content of these threads would make a wonderful play. You'd have to get the actors drunk first, of course.
Anonymous's picture
This is the internet Rita. As you tap the keyboard this is interpreted digitally and then reproduced somewhere else. It's not the same as being there in person. So you're not face to face. It's not happening, it's your imagination. You need to find a door and go outside where weather and people are. This is what is meant by the outside. When you are there you will meet people and if they allow you to get up close (don't drool or make grunting noises) then this might be called face to face. If you're really observant you will notice a screen in front of you which is made of plastic. When you press your keyboard bits of the plastic seem to change. This is not a real person but it may represent your emotional depths which is why you imagine it is a face. Be of stout heart and fear not Rita. There is a world elsewhere.
Anonymous's picture
He likes you Philip. Don't be put off. Mississippi used to be in the merchant navy. In 1978 his ship was off the Spice Islands when the first mate, 'Dicko' -, kidnapped him and lashed him to the foremast. Unspeakable practices took place for 3 weeks before the captain found him and released him. These terrible nautical depravities have left their mark. Your web address is 'blue yonder' and you do have a bit of a saucy sea going style to you, so please try and see that you could be bringing up memories which are best left on the SS Cheeky. A very merry christmas and a happy and prosperous new year to everyone. One love and unity. Kevin
Anonymous's picture
But wouldn't it be better than a lot of the stuffy crap we sit and suffer through to be accepted in proper circles? I thought actors were always drunk!
Ely Whitley
Anonymous's picture
Kevin, this is my first post on here since the one ending in "Crown versus the crown" so get your facts straight please. Kevin and Rita calm down, it's just turning into personal abuse on both parts
Anonymous's picture
Give it a rest Ely. Posts like yours just add fuel to the fire whilst pretending to be holier than thou. There hasn't been a post for 8 hours so you're the only one who's interested in winding things up now.
Anonymous's picture
Yes, it's true I was a sailor in my youth, but not since 1966, long before Dicko was pissed against a wall and hatched by the sun.
Ely Whitley
Anonymous's picture
My post was putting you straight on what I had written. Simple as that. Asking you two to stop hurling personal abuse at each other is not adding fuel to any fire. The 8 hours you refer to are usually spent sleeping by most people (hardly signs of a truce) finally I wouldn't have added anything to your rediculous whinging and blind reactions had YOU not brought me into it. SO you can keep your cliches and your advice and carry on doing whatever you were doing before you hijacked this thread and then started slinging mud like a sh1tbox in a blender. Oh, and please don't mention me again unless you actually understand who has said what, life's too short to spend it correcting fools.
Anonymous's picture
The state should be impartial - I am against this kind of purely retributive violent justice. The man must be punished, with imprisonment. And it is important to remember that these kind of horrors are not solely the work of Islam nor should be automatically associated with it. Turkey, Egypt, Morrocco, Jordan, Algeria, Lebanon, Tunisia etc etc do not carry out such punishments. And the attitude of many States in the USA towards crime is hardly cause for Eurocentric gloating.
Anonymous's picture
Rita - Sometime earlier this year about 70 inmates of death row (in Illinois I think) were released. They were found innocent. What do you say to this? And most of them were black. Do you really think, with the history of race relations in the US (particularly the South), that the Death Penalty should be retained? I mean blacks are significantly more like to receive the death sentence than whites aren't they?
Anonymous's picture
Rita - and widespread gun ownership!!! How do you defend this? The problem with the American idea of 'justice' is that it simply arms both sides and gets them to shoot it out. It's hardly a surprise that people get shot, and the winner of the shootout gets the chamber/injection/chair/firing squad!!!
Anonymous's picture
Hijacked thread. Reuters report that a well known literary website has had a thread hijacked. abctales supremo Tony Cook said: "it's terrible, I'm devastated. One minute Ely 'the voice of reason' Whitley had been calmly explaining how judicial acid attacks and a big brother state would be a tremendous boon to this fair isle. Then suddenly the threads been hijacked and we want it back. I'm willing to give a jar of coffee (fair trade) and a fortnights subscription to Red Pepper for information leading to it's return. What, with world wars and the price of rail travel, this is the last thing I needed." [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
Do you just dislike me because I am American??????? Are women on this thread only allowed to play with the big boys if they follow their rules and think like you do? I have noticed the females here always waffle and fall into your way of thinking which is so archaic it is ridicululous. There is world outside the UK, trust me and I have lived in a lot of it. But I am sure your impotent brains, Kevin and Phillip, would not be able to hold the current modern flow of the civil exchange of ideas and you would be exiled quickly from them, or hopefully, executed at dawn. You are both trolls. Phillip, if you don't like the thread, go read elsewhere. I don't remember speaking to you at all. I am an American, whether you like it or not. I am a female which will not change, and I am opinionated and will not be run off into the corner like some wimpering little child. Kiss my A$$ both of you, but I can guarantee your teeth will shatter on it! Only when and if Tony or Mark as me to leave this site will you be rid of me. Deal with it, Bubbas! Sneak, I am so sorry poor Rudy has been viciously attacked by that evil monster MM. I shall deal with him in my own time, promise you that!
Anonymous's picture
Seem to remember a saying "Do unto others what you would have done unto you"...
Anonymous's picture
I'm with you Mississippi. You've fired me up matey. Fancy storming the gates of hell and laughing old Beelzebub himself into oblivion? I'm all for a little political incorrectness. How about this ........... The Moslem world and all its mediaeval, archaic, stilted beliefs is holding back the progress and enlightenment of the world. We've almost cast off this yoke of organised religion in the western world - it's about time you eastern-world folk did the same. I'm not denying God. Do you really think that throwing acid in the face of an offender, or stoning an adultress, or public beheading of criminals is God's desire for mankind? Mind you, I must admit that I would endorse the humane, surgical castration of paedophiles. But you Moslem folks, tell me that these barbaric practices of yours are God's will. Have at ye..............
Anonymous's picture
i wont swallow "anything"
Anonymous's picture
thats not what i heard...
Anonymous's picture
*who can i fall in love with?*
Anonymous's picture
O.K., move over people, big mouth American butting right in. To all you bleeding hearts out there. Wait until it is one of your children or grandchildren, or someone that you dearly care about, that has been raped or murdered or mortally wounded in some way. I want you to sit back and watch justice at work the way you say you want it to. When they slap them on the wrist and tell them no-no that is not a nice thing for you to do, sir/madam, you must refrain from that behaviour from now on when we send you home. Then send then out into the innocent public domain where they committed their heinous crime to begin with and with a 90% recidivism rate for criminals of committing the same or worse kind of crime, then you sit back and tell me it is not human to mete out the same punishment to them that they did to their victim. It is all well and good when you are not emotionally involved, but believe me, if it did happen, and I hope it never does to any of you, you will feel differently about it. You will want to be the judge and jury all in one and put him/her out of your misery. It won't accomplish a thing to teach him a lesson, but it will make you feel better. I do believe in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Until they realize they can no longer just get a slap or a year of two in the slammer, that will will actually pay for their crimes, we will never slow down the crime rate in this world again. Justice is become a laughing joke. Only the criminals have rights now, not the victims. I know you will eat me alive, but go right ahead. That is my personal opinion and I believe deeply in my heart I am right.
chips & two veg
Anonymous's picture
Well I heard you will swallow what ever's given you.
Anonymous's picture
.... and that, ladies and gennlemen....is why the laws state that the judgement should be carried out by a person and persons unconnected with the crime perpretrated.. of COURSE people would feel different if it were their son/daughter/wife/husband that were raped/murdered... i personally would feel like going after the perpetrator with rusty shears if they ever touched one of my daughters (Id give them the axe for my ex husband)... but that is not justice, that is revenge, and that is an entirely different kettle of fish...
Anonymous's picture
Rita I don't think I said anything personal to you, did I? I was only disagreeing with you. I don't dislike you - why should I? I've nothing against Americans or women - I thought I was contributing to the debate. I'm sorry if I've offended you. I thought debate was what forums were about. I'm not trying to get rid of you! I thought my questions were quite reasonable. It isn't a vendetta...there is really no need to overreact like this. I understand why you do, as I sometimes see things that make me seethe, but really, you have me all wrong. Anyway, sorry. Will you answer my questions now, please?
Anonymous's picture
Kevin Who hijacked the thread? Was it me? I thought I was responding to the initial argument. What on Earth is going on?
Anonymous's picture
"I am an American, whether you like it or not. I am a female which will not change, and I am opinionated and will not be run off into the corner like some wimpering little child. Kiss my A$$ both of you, but I can guarantee your teeth will shatter on it!" Rita - was this really called for?
Anonymous's picture
Well Rita did get one thing right... about the waffling women on here... *runs like hell and takes cover in spider hole*
Anonymous's picture
Phillip; sorry if I offended YOU. It was not my attention either. To me a debate is both sides discussing, not arguing, a case. You simply state your view and sit and wait for the other person to state their. I checked back on the thread and I don't think I was the first one to name call. If I was, I do apologize. You can't lump us altogether, even though we are 'Americans' as we can lump all of you together as 'English'. Each person, each region has its own views, needs, beliefs and laws. We are not large country living under one set of laws. Each state makes their own, each religion makes their own, and each nationality makes their own in each of their respective communities. Why the blacks are targeted the most is beyond me. I don't understand why skin color, religion, nationality or any other difference in people should be the reason for prejudice, but it seems to be so here in the states. And might I add, not just in the South either. As far arms, I don't not own a weapon and would not own a weapon. I am against anyone except police and military being in charge of the horrid things. Personally, I think they should be outlawed except that the NRA is a strong lobbies group in this country and have the power and money to run rampant in the government offices. Run currency under a politicians nose here and you have his immediate attention. As far as defending anything in this country, I can only say that I don't run the country and can't in good conscience defend anything that has been done lately as far as national affairs. I don't even agree with 99% of it. I still don't comprehend why we went after Saddam when Bin Laden was the one in charge of the attack on the WTC. Doesn't make sense to me, but then I am just one of the many millions of Americans that feel the same way and still questioning. Will we ever get a suitable answer? No, probably not. But then we don't get suitable government representation either. Please accept my apology. I have tried to address all the questions I saw that you had asked in an appropriate manner. Rita
Anonymous's picture
Thanks Rita - God bless. I think the reason I started heckling over gun ownership was that in your annoyance you appeared to be justifying vigilantism ("We don't wear hoods and hid behind others when we face our enemies. We shoot them point blank and face to face, thank you.") I realise now that I misinterpreted what you said - I assume it was tongue in cheek!? I've been involved in most movements in this country that might be termed 'Anti-American' (eg Communist Party & Socialist Workers Party) but I don't consider myself Anti-American in an ethnic sense. The American idea of freedom is a beautiful thing, and American people are great. Britain I think suffers from being a washed out, post-imperial country. We really are a cynical, miserable bunch. The openess you get from Americans is refreshing and genuine. What many people in the world protest over is that US foreign policy very rarely reflects this ideal - quite the opposite in fact. But historically, where would Europe be without the US? In 1944/45 the behaviour of invading American troops was exemplary, particularly if you compare it to what the Red Army did. Abraham Lincoln is something of a hero of mine, John Dos Passos a literary inspiration and Edward Hopper one of the greatest painters. And the Pixies, Frank Black, REM, Linkin Park, Interpol and Fugazi - they rock!!!
Anonymous's picture
PS and Tori Amos and Georgia O'Keeffe - sorry, it sounds like all my heroes are male!
Ely Whitley
Anonymous's picture
seems to me that stoning someone for adultery is cruel nonsense but this acid thing seems fair on the surface. I believe we do have to get a lot tougher on our criminals and I am alsop in favour of very public retribution of this kind where the case is beyond dispute. Public execution is notb pretty but the public knowledge of execution is a strong message. I know I sound like some old misguided nazi but it's time to get very serious with crime. ID cards right down to the death sentence, bring them all on. It may infringe my human rights a little and lead to a 'Big Brother' state but if that's the price I have to pay then so be it. It'll have its problems and mistakes but it'll also dragnet the sh1t that's out there currently laughing at a system designed with the belief that we're all angels really.
Anonymous's picture
I think that justice has to get tougher too, but i am massively against the death penalty (for one, it doesnt work in the States does it??? and for two, look at the cot death cases - a classic example of why we shouldnt go back) ID cards sound good to me...
Anonymous's picture
Why would I want an ID card? I know who I am. The problem with bringing back capital punishment is, as Liana has suggested, that innocent people pay the price for the failings of the courts. (e.g. Derek Bentley). I DO agree the courts should be harder on criminals but think judicial killing is going too far. A life sentence should be for life, no release, no remission, die in gaol. Murderers, rapists and paedophiles should never be released. Drug dealers should get life too. All violent criminals should get lengthy sentences and I think the remission rules should be reversed with extra time being accrued for bad behaviour. I don't believe relatives or friends of victims should be allowed to set penalties, as is the case in some countries, but I DO believe their feelings and opinions should be reflected in the sentence; they have a right to feel the offender has been properly punished. The difference between justice and revenge is largely academic. Justice is mostly judicial revenge and all too frequently revenge is justice. If the courts don't deal with these issues properly people will feel aggrieved and administer their own justice. The law after all, is only an attempt to homogenise punishment and stop anarchy, it is STILL revenge.
Anonymous's picture
ID cards are useful i think... i get sick of scrabbling for ID at post offices, banks etc.. one card, acceptable as a passport too is a cracking idea i reckon... and also, it would stop the people in the off license asking me if i am over 18 when i go into buy vodka...
Anonymous's picture
Oh Rita - don't take on so. Actually at the time I did think "Bloody hell, what did I say?" but I wouldn't say I was mortally wounded. This is only a forum after all!.... PS How's your hunk? You can't scratch Carl - he's my friend! Bloody women!!!
Anonymous's picture
Jesus christ, will you two stop being so bloody apolgetic to each other? Rita, Philip is a twat, Philip, Rita is American. What more do you need to know?
Anonymous's picture
Mississippi - why am I a twat? That is very harsh, you know. It hurts, Doesn't it hurt to be called a twat? What kind of man are you? You sound like you have a lot of anger. Why is this?


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