You're all SO amusing.

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You're all SO amusing.

Liana is 5'8" and I make no apologies when I say GGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRR she's just a female version of a male troll.

I ain't fighting no woman. Least of all a troll woman. Rampant virgins with big tits maybe, but I talk bollocks I'm going to bed.


Anonymous's picture
Goodnight LOSER greco/bloom. And no, that wasn't mississippi just in case anyone here is daft enough to think it is.
Anonymous's picture
Having read the thread though it isn't actually apparent who I am. The passge of time has blurred my memory but it is entirely possible it was either me. Or me. GRR. I'm going to bed.
Anonymous's picture
What thread? This thread? Are you confused porridge-brain? Go to bed you mindless moron. (Is that an example of an oxymoron?) Shouldn't spend so much time pasting bollocks then should you? You stupid kunt. (Not addressed to George... even tho he helped start off this crap!)
Anonymous's picture
...and even if that was george, the same message applies. This place is phucked if everyone allows the dimwits of society to take over. Yes, there is a place for them here but not for them wreck the threads with the shite we seen tonight. I wouldn't mind if it was funny, but it wasn't.
George Van Win
Anonymous's picture
I've used my real name to distinguish myself from the 'billy no-mates' who's been posting as everyone including 'mississippi' recently. The poor retard doesn't seem to grasp that most of the regular posters here actually know each other and chat on messenger too. There is no one on this site that is even remotely important to me that would believe I was responsible for any of that shite. So their efforts only highlight their own lack of intelligence/personality/honesty/decency. I am SO glad I'm not that pathetic excuse for human life. I shall no longer respond to either HA-HA, alumgoon, pigeonshit or any other twerp. Do your worst, you look sillier with every post.
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