Penny Lane.

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Penny Lane.

What's this about re-naming Penny Lane in Liverpool as it's associated with the slave trade? Why if it wasn't for us 'Honkeys' oppressing black people there would have been no blues music. James Brown out of a job, Sam Cooke wouldn't have been shot and the great Ray Charles would've been selling matches in a Walmart throomall. Things are beginning to drift on that front. Lets get more oppressive stuff out there!

What are they gonna do, decimalise it? 0.43 New Pence Lane sounds crap to me!


Why don't all iving decendents from anyone alive during the slave trade just commit suicide? Then who ever is left won't have a reason to fill guilty. Visit me

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Lets just bomb Liverpool and Bristol: it works for Israel. Hang on; no it doesn't.


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