Radio 4

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Radio 4

Does anyone have experience of submitting short fiction to Radio 4 and/or of actually having it produced and broadcast?

Its been suggested that some of my stuff would be suitable, and I understand the procedure is to find a friendly producer, which I am in the midst of doing, but I would be intersted to hear of any one elses experience of this process....

best, Arv D

Anonymous's picture
Arv D for some strange reason, one of my stories was broadcast on 'Morning Story' The producer was a lovely lady called Caroline Sarle. I guess she chose it because it was a little quirky and different from the usual story. She asked me to send some more but I didn't bother. I was happy to rest on my laurels.
Anonymous's picture
Arv D for some strange reason, one of my stories was broadcast on 'Morning Story' The producer was a lovely lady called Caroline Sarle. I guess she chose it because it was a little quirky and different from the usual story. She asked me to send some more but I didn't bother. I was happy to rest on my laurels.
Anonymous's picture
sorry i didnt mean to do that
Arv D
Anonymous's picture
thanks - did she approach you having read your work on the site? best, AED
Anonymous's picture
Arv D, Try: From what's said on that site, you stand more chance submitting to one of the recommened addresses, rather than an individual producer - Hope this helps - and good luck.
Paul Morgan
Anonymous's picture
I sent in a radio play (Winter Tree), got an acknowledgement then heard no more. My son sent in a short story and didn't even get an acknowledgement. They must all be busy arguing with accounts about their expenses.
Anonymous's picture
i have had couple of short stories on radio 4 ... but this was a few years ago ... one i sent through to the head office and i suppose it hit the slush pile ... they picked it up anyway and it was produced in london ... they didn't consult me in any way on the production of it and i didnt expect they would ... they got julie walters to read it ... the other one was submitted to bbc radio wales through a competition that it won and they took it up and produced it there ... i think your best bet arv ... and i agree the stuff i know of yours is good radio 4 stuff ... is to phone up and ask to speak to someone about it ... it seems to me that they are taking up less of the unsolicited stuff and concentrating more on established writers ... although what they seem to often do is some kind of themed week where they commission stories ... they seem to be in constant flux there so best to get advice from the horse's mouth ... good luck ...
Anonymous's picture
I am currently adapting a 15K word story of mine for a screenplay. From what I've read on Writers Room, you stand more chance with regional themes, sent to the local studios. I'll give it a go anyway... ...A faint heart never won a fair lady (or summat loik that!). ;-)
Arv D
Anonymous's picture
thanks to all. a friend at the bbc put some of my stuff forward to an appropriate producer, but i haven't yet heard from her. Does anybody know what happened to the Radio 4 producer who was at the live night a couple of weeks ago? I remember Tony saying he was going to put an idea based on some of the readings forward - would be cool if it got interest. best, Arv D
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