'In Celebration of the Cervix' by Juliet OC

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'In Celebration of the Cervix' by Juliet OC


You realise men can't comment on this kind of thing because it makes them look dirty?

Seriously though, I recommend reading this. It's slightly icky in parts, but also terribly intriguing. As well as witty. Witty is hard to do well, but I think J-OC has done the trick here.

Have a rummage indeed. Hm.

Yuk, no. This is too graphic for me. I'll not try to compete with this. You win!
Loved the bit about the Monsoon belt - more power to you Juliet OC!!


nice one Juliet - you caught the humour, awkwardness and intimacy of this little visit - the first line great! Maybe, there is a better last line out there somewhere...?can't think of one though... - very enjoyable - There is not enough written about the subject! - reminded me of Judy Chicago's exhibition of plates! seen it? It's a celebration of womens bits. funny, well written - thanks!


ty Jack for the flag and using the word witty in the same sentence as my name - i'm chuffed - ty for all the other comments - i will look at the last line LD- after a bit of space. Sorry it was a disapointment for you Venson - some constructive crit would be useful if i am to move it from B to A. Sorry i made you squirm Speedy - however i do think women need to write about women's things - and celebrate our bits :) Ty SSS for your words of encouragment and flagging the Monsoon belt. Juliet


This is a damn good read Juliet, gently humourous and definitely as Jack says 'a bit icky' in places. You have captured images and feelings perfectly (yes, 'just relax' does invite your body to do the exact opposite.) I particularly like that fact that you referenced this story back to your other one ... *Then there was the one with glitter, I am ashamed to admit I giggled at that one, I don’t think she heard me, * All in all a tricky subject, that you have tackled successfully...twice!
ty camus - glad you noticed the link - i always intended to write both pieces as i have been on both sides of the speculum :) i think i need a new subject now though, otherwise it will look like i have a smear fetish. Irritable bowel syndrome... mmmmmmmm Juliet


'care-worn' how wonderful.
(I did wonder what all that sighing was.)
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