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There was a young woman whose diction........

mark yelland-brown
Anonymous's picture
So he bought her a tonic,
Dave Testes
Anonymous's picture
She went supersonic,
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
A political bloke, Mississipi...
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
...oops, breaking the rules with too many syllables. OK There was a political bloke
Anonymous's picture
Who enjoyed a sniff of the coke..
Lynn Erick
Anonymous's picture
"Shit, it's alumoron" Said the entire forum And his ip was blocked evermore.
Anonymous's picture
Clive Dunne
Anonymous's picture
There was a young barmaid from Staines.
The Queen Mother
Anonymous's picture
Who fell down a very large drain.
tony cook
Anonymous's picture
When he found it was Pepsi
Anonymous's picture
In the U-bend she stuck
Stephen Gardiner
Anonymous's picture
And caused epilepsy
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
time to start another... On Mayday the pigs were all frisky...
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Dislodged by Toilet Duck (I want to do "There once was an evil macaw" next)
Anonymous's picture
Because they'd all been at the whisky
Anonymous's picture
...and they never did find her remains... (Go for it, Andrew!)
Anonymous's picture
He switched to beer, the old soak
alpine fresh
Anonymous's picture
There is a strange fellow called Dick, Who likes wearing see-through plastic. He’s not the caring kind, So he really won’t mind, Being in a crap limerick.
Anonymous's picture
They grunted and glugged...
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Ahem... There once was an evil macaw
Anonymous's picture
OOh can I play please? Can I Huh Huh? Can I? Pleeeeze. Sooz to this forum is new ...
Anonymous's picture
(Oh blimey! He actually went for it! I simply don't beleeeve it!) Who wasn't that quick on the draw...
Anonymous's picture
She just wants to know who is who
Anonymous's picture
...with her input it just grew and grew...
Anonymous's picture
Huh, Robert beat me to it... I really must try to keep up.
Anonymous's picture
Her stories are a must.... (can't wait for the next line)
stormy macaw
Anonymous's picture
Pretty plumage got stuck..... (heh heh)
Diana Bird
Anonymous's picture
Panted and plugged...
Mark Yelland-Brown
Anonymous's picture
Anyone who looked liked Trotsky!
Trevor Mcdonald
Anonymous's picture
A Badger whos's surname was Jones......
Anonymous's picture
attracted by hildas deep moans.....
Anonymous's picture
took one look at her whippet
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
Pack full of lust
Anonymous's picture
...decided to 'snip' it...
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Now they're earning their income from phones... (Look, I can't do poetry, even bloody limericks. This is Mark Y-B's fault for encouraging me. I feel like my final line needs footnotes, and that can't be right in a limerick. )
Anonymous's picture
Whilst having a sorry...please delete that. Down at Ta Chuck...
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
Ideal to read in the loo!
stormy petrel
Anonymous's picture
and evil macaw is no more! *finally got the little blighter* Next: Give forum writers enough rope............
Anonymous's picture
To keep 'em offa the dope...
Anonymous's picture
Fill 'em with gin at 'ta chucks'
auntie jackie
Anonymous's picture
Come in all's welcome, me ducks,
Anonymous's picture
Was in truth an awful affliction.....
Anonymous's picture
She rolled her R's........
stephen gardiner
Anonymous's picture
Dropped the "g" in cigars....
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
And made her fiction affliction.
stephen gardiner
Anonymous's picture
There was a young poet named Motion...
Anonymous's picture
who jumped in to the ocean
Anonymous's picture
He caugt hold a whale.......
Anonymous's picture
now there's a fishy tale.............
Anonymous's picture
Now the whale is Motion's devotion


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