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Self Help Group

Hello, my name is Ad, and I'm a Wannabewriter.

Thank you, you're all so kind. Thank you.

It's taken years to admit it, but finally I've done it.
It's great to know that lots of other people have joined Wannabewriter's Anonymous before me, and have the same experiences.

As far as recommending 'The Writers & Idiots Yearbook 200X' goes, I say unless you can post stuff from work, save yourselves the money and just post a note thru your own door saying 'Sorry we don't accept stuff from people we don't know', or 'Market forces no time blahblahblah' every few days. Or the worst one - 'We recommend you buy the 'Wankers & Idiots Yearbook 2012' to find an agent'. Where do you think I got your fucking name from you twats? Doesn't anyone else out there think those books are a complete waste of time? I say we have a bring your own balaclava party & go to visit them all, one by one. There's enough of us.

I also recommend a complete change of career into some media-tart kind of thing. Get your name known for fucking footballers, telling lame jokes, or anything else & all those agents & publishers will beat a path to your door, then you can go back to doing what you love. Anyone who's read a book by the likes of David Baddiel or Stephen Fry and thought 'I've done miles better than that shite & got nowhere!' will know what I mean. (it was all the book exchange shop had when I was travelling...)

Personally, I'm going to become an Agent Agent. Send me your stuff & for a small fee, my agency will try to find you an agent. Then they may try to find you a publisher etcetc.

Now that's off my chest, on to a real point.

All you frustrated people out there, have any of your friends/family EVER told you your writing is crap & to give it up? I haven't. I know they're all biased anyway, but it's generally positive. Which is why I can never give up. & why you should mark the stories you read on abc. it's good to have unconnected feedback.

Well, I feel better for that. Same time, same place every week is it?

Anonymous's picture
best post this place has had for yonks. Well done mate...
Anonymous's picture
Nothing wrong with venting a little steam if you can't control your gas, but you also need to express yourself well.
Anonymous's picture
And so he does, imo....
Anonymous's picture
Talk about bitter and twisted! Never thought I'd come across anyone with a more distorted and vitriolic outlook than mine! Quite frankly, I couldn't give a monkey's left testicle whether I get published or not. Writing is therapy for me, it's personal, if I like what I write - I'm happy. If others like what I write - I'm flattered and genuinely thankful. But if people dislike what I write - do I care? Not really, because the act of ejecting words from this distorted miasma I call my mind, and turning them into something tangible, readable, is all that matters to me. Where those words go or don't go, after their first painful journey, won't keep me awake at night, although the act of transferring them from ether to paper might!
Anonymous's picture
Dear Ad Hirst, Thank-you for the advice...its the best I've had in ages. I've printed myself off a selection of rejection letters - and will choose one randomly and send it to myself perhaps once a month. I know my stuff is not crap and its better than a lot of stuff that is published. Its not brilliant but its OK. My stuff on here is just my fun stuff really - the shorts mainly written for competitions in writers news etc ....the poetry for my own amusement ...but I have a finished novel which has ben rejected by a large number of agents/publishers ..... Perhaps I could go off and f*** a few footballers...are there any out there who could fancy a 50+ mature woman ? thought not .....about as many as there are agents and publishers who will give me look in. See you next week. Gabrielle
Anonymous's picture
I shall try to become a professional footballer
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