'pretentious, self-indulgent, craftless tat'

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'pretentious, self-indulgent, craftless tat'

ICA ( institute of contemporary arts) chairman Ivan Massow has been forced to resign by its council over his criticism of conceptual art.
His comment in The New Statesman that much conceptual art is 'pretentious, self-indulgent, craftless tat' proved too much for the council, he had to go, else they would be out of a job should people start to listen to him.
Is this just another art project? or is the emperor really naked?

Anonymous's picture
I heard this chap talking on channel five live this morning, and all he was saying was that he felt that the current fashionable trend for 'conceptual art' was discriminating against the other up and coming contemporary artists who used more traditional forms of expression. Frankly, I think a lot of conceptual art is bullshit, as although it is allegedly still making us think about issues, it doesn't necessarily make the experience a particularly pleasant one. I've yet to see an item of conceptual art that makes me feel good, and for me, that's just depressing.
Anonymous's picture
@!#$ is the new paint, apparently.
idioglossia roolz
Anonymous's picture
pleasant art...yes..like kittens in a basket..or a nice bowl of fruit...arcadian river landscapes...cows in the distant fields grazing...portraits of landowners...fox hunting scenes, the noble horsemen, their cheeks aglow with the anticipation of the evisceration to come....tudor houses in photographic pencilled stasis...damn that conceptual art with its questions and its images......ivan massow is right....let's get back to how things were, when art was good pictures of good things...all this ballyhoo about intellectual rigour or that bullshit about contemporaneous expressions, all that absolute tosh about making us think..never heard such nonsense...art schmart...let the daily mail decide what's good for us...
Anonymous's picture
that was s-h-i-t is the new paint. oh, and the Daily Mail is the old s-h-i-t. kittens in a basket sounds delicious. got to go - my conceptual Osram is on the blink...
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